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Female Jedi Trainer, Opinions Requested

Infinity Blade

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I was thinking that since I hadn't done any female skins, I'd throw out one there....


I just threw this together today, so I thought I'd get some opinions on it before I continue to work on it some more. I think it's turning out fairly well...


Here goes:


Front Body Detail


Back Body Detail


Upper Body Detail


Body Detail *Large*


Torso Detail *Large*




So whattya think?

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Wow.. that was harsh.


Good idea, Infinity.. people have been looking for more female skins.


The trainer suit looks a bit slapdash on the female model.. as a trainer, it should look a little more professional.

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Originally posted by Mark_Li

I think you cut and pasted pieces of the male jeditrainer skin onto the jan model and changed nothing save for making them align properly. For this you deserve zero praise, zero critique, and zero credit.


LOL. My god, you pay no attention, do you?


1. 2. It isn't the Jan model, It's TAVION.


2. Yes, it has reused textures from a jedi trainer, as well as Tavion. Virtually all the reused textures have been modified some in color, shape, or texture. The face is completely original, as is shirt undernead the breastplate. There's some more completely original stuff there, but you apparently can't tell the difference.


3. You are just a bitter little punk, aren't you. Learn some manners, and to know what you're actually talking about before acting like a know it all.

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Personally I think that looks good InfinityBlade. :) (Hey and perhaps not everyone has the same experience, talent, tools or time to create excellent new skins/models from scratch. So no need to go trippin and bitching at people here! Hey, we're all Star Wars fans so we should get along!)


One remark I do have for your skin InfinityBlade (which is what I also think of the original male Jedi-Trainer skin), isn't it a bit dark tinted? Black outfit and all, it seems a bit Dark Side to me. It's soo far off the classic Jedi tunics. (I know in ROTJ and after Luke mostly wears black but in the most recent books he wears traditional Jedi tunics.) Just a thought anyways. :):jango::slave:

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That damn complainer should try to make some skins himself!


Relax dude, take it easy! Everyone is free to post his opinion in this forum. Or are you the dumb nut that only wants praises, compliments and stuff like; "how cool your skin is" and "i'm going to download it 3 times" etc? Mark_Li has the right to say what he thinks and you should respect is opinion whether you like it or not.


As for the skin, good job, but I agree with agensmith, it is very dark. The next step is creating some of your textures.

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Well the world is filled with jerks, you will need to get used to that. And he didn't say it sucked (for example only by saying he doesn't like it) but he said WHY it sucked. So for me its constructive criticism, even if harsh.

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I'd have to disagree with Droidekas, while everyone has a right to an opinion, constructive criticism, this was not. In no way did he even hint at how it could be done better. I would also demand that people think before they post, especially when speaking negatively about something.



To be honest, this was ment to be, just simply, a female version of the jedi trainer. So reusing the textures from the original jedi trainer,... makes sense. And he even stated that it was unfinished, which would make this a prime time to offer 'constructive' criticism, instead of trying to make someone want to give up.



And for those strictly against altering existing textures,... All I have to say is it's not that easy. It's not just cut and paste when you're totally changing models. I also find it no less offensive than creating textures based off of photographs.


I'm starting to run a little long here, and I've got other things I've got to get to.


So in essence, I think that this is a great skin. Anyone who says otherwise, is probably bitter about something else.

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Ya see, Hapslash get's it!


And Droidekas, the "reasons" given by Mark_Li were mostly incorrect, and he was obviously either not paying attention to details of the skins (mine and JO's), or was just trying to poke at the skin. Either way, they're's rather pointless remarks at best.


He is, however, entitled to his opinion.




Essentially I was looking for something to go with the Jedi Trainer. I wanted it to look similar, but different as well. Not exactly the same style, but they go well together. I spawned a few of both in a single player game and spawned some reborn, and the ensuing fight was pretty cool. It's also fun to play as your SP character....


While it does reuse some textures from the Trainer and Tavion, they have been altered a good deal.


And I'm not truly going for originality here. I have other skins, projects, and mod's I'm working on with that. However, you'll have to wait before those are ready.


Anyway, for those interested what the latest one looks like in game... (forgot to remove tavions feathers)


In Game Shot

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Originally posted by HapSlash

So in essence, I think that this is a great skin. Anyone who says otherwise, is probably bitter about something else.


You dissapoint me on this Hapslash. Your ego is starting to come out of your ears. *copy/paste* And while everyone has a right to an opinion, constructive criticism, this was not either. A skinner like you should have more than candy and praises to offer to our fellow member, or not? And the fact that someone doesn't like it is perfectly fair and there is no need to turn the issue to other's people problems (wich you have too like everybody else). Personaly I think Mark Li is a moron and he could have said the same thing in a different way, but he doesn't like copy and pasted stuff. YOU even understood that, so it wasn't plain jerking afterall. I realy don't think knights in shinning armor ever did any good in the long run.


I'm getting long too so I will cut short by saying what I think of the skin. It does require skill and effort to align textures, the overall feel is very good and its a good interpretation of the male jedi trainer skin. What doesn't make it "great" but only "good" (I must be bitter about some stuff, I will certainly go meditate on it later) Is that some of the textures don't seem to fit quite in. Final advice is that if you want more success with the more exigent crowd, try finishing some spots with your own textures. Start using and learning the tools, start with small areas, take examples from existing textures and find tutorials about your paint program on the web.

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Originally posted by Droidekas

Final advice is that if you want more success with the more exigent crowd, try finishing some spots with your own textures. Start using and learning the tools, start with small areas, take examples from existing textures and find tutorials about your paint program on the web.


So some of the texture's don't seem to fit in to you.. K. That's an opinion that's constructive.


But to be honest, the rest of your advice is kinda off. I know the tools, how to use them, what to do, yadda yadda yadda.... You would know that if you read some other posts I've made. Some here to this very board with Original Work, and they're looking pretty good. Alot of it I'm busy with, and this was just to break it up.


You also need to pay attention too. Do you remember what the skin's for JO look like? I didn't Just copy/past/align. I ALTERED the textures. I also created originals for this skin. I can post a picture comparison of Tavion, Jedi Trainer, And mine if you wish.... Hell, I'll even throw jan into the mix so you can tell I didn't use her face!


And the stuff directed at hapslash was unneccessary. His post had little to do with ego. The man was defending his ideals and stating his opinion, the same thing that everyone else has done.


And knights in shining armor? If that's how you feel, Then why're you defending Mark-Li?!


Some people.... I tell ya... *sigh*

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:) The knight in shinning armor was reffered to hapslash, I am generaly known as quite the opposite. Anyway, lets move to other topics this is sooooo boring, And I won't argue with 2 people posting their pics in the same folder + the same server.
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