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If your a Sith Lord (GOOD ONE) and want to be a Trainer POST HERE

Bobo Fart

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To all Sith Lords who ask for a Training Position,

It is now beggining, an Academy for the SITH! This academy needs trainers who follow the ways of the Darkside to take on Apprentices and train them to there TOP standards to Eliminate all the weak minded light side.

All who would like to join the Academy please post or PM your Aim name or Email and we will organise your position and an Aprrentice to carry and teach...


Yours Sincerely Darth Kenji (aka Bobo Fart, only because i chose to rergister with this but i wanna CHANGE!)

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Yeah i reliaze that.... :rolleyes:

But come on there are heaps of people who use the Darkside and stuff going by the story TWO sith only, there are heaps on JO so me and someone else started this up... for the guy who would like to help out whats yur AIM?

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Hell, I'm decent enough at this game. Still have some stuff to learn but the way I see it there's always something new to learn even for the most experienced out there. I'll take someone on as an apprentice. My E-mail is ElegyOfDespond@attbi.com and my AIM is Vile Elegy. I'd prefer Yahoo Messenger over AIM however, and with yahoo that's elegy_of_despond (noticing a trend? lol). But if AIM is the only option I can settle with that. My name on all the servers is Heavens Mutant Child.

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Anyone who joins this is a fool. Don't you all know that Light side is much more powerful then Dark right now with the current patch? I have yet to be owned by a Darksider, oh sure I have been killed by one on rare occasion; usaully over a bottomless chasm when I didn't hit absorb fast enough to counter his grip. But I have never been owned by one and will never be with this pacth. All you will be doing is training people to get owned by the Light side again and again.

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Heh. Yeah I have it, I just don't really use it much. Like I said I prefer the Yahoo over it. But since you don't have that, AIM shall suffice.


Oh and RamataKahn, you're the fool. I stick to NF servers with jump and saber skills enabled most of the time and I'll still tear up some ass. Even on the fully enabled force servers I'll barely touch my powers and still whoop ass despite all the lightning and a dissappearing acts sent my way. Most lightsiders I see are always healing up in the middle of battle. Why? Because they have to even though I'm reaming them with a lightsaber alone.

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