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Force Heal help!


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Listen, I need some major help, now when I try to use my heal powers in multi player mode it wont let me.

The only force powers I can use are push, pull, speed, and seeing.

Ive reset all the controls, ive done everything I can think of, now does anyone have any suggestions, cause this is really getting too me!




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Ummm...if the server you play on has disabled heal (only low force or something), you can't use it.


Besides, heal sucks with the new patch. (Especially since 90% of attacks are one-hit-kill-backstabs) You might want to re-think your strategy. ;)

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See its none of that which is bugging me.

The thing is, even if im offline and start a multiplayer game against some bots, the force heal wont work and only a few select force powers will.

Its just the fact that I cant get them to work.

Any suggestions?




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Well, first off, make sure you've assign points to the skills you wanted in the "Configure Force Powers" tab in the "Player" menu (Access the main menu in-game by hitting Esc, then hit players, then config force powers). If you are at a heavy lack of points to alott, try jacking up the force mastery level to Jedi Knight or Jedi Master for some real points and powers (this is bot game, btw).


As for going online, make sure the server you're on has force powers enabled, or the mastery level is not on something extremely low. :D


-Merc out

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