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Question about captureable things...


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what is they're function? examples of what im talking about:

sand crawlers (which have build menus that dont seem to work)

the various sand people buildings (are you supposed to make sand people warriors from them or something?)

evaporator farms (dont seem to add to your food income)

ewok tree hut thingies (?)


so, what do they do is what im asking = )

and if anything, what am i doing wrong that i cant seem to get them to work


thnx in adv,

- DM

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The capturable buildings and units have no function beyond scouting (in the case of the sandcrawlers) and confusing the AI (which often attacks captured buildings, slowing down its assaults).


Before CC came out, sandcrawlers used to have an attack of such relative potency that if you managed to pick up four or five early on you could easily crush your opponent. They have been neutered in the expansion, via having their attack removed completely, but were mistakenly given a build interface which, of course, they can't use.

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Okay, how about some changes to them?


Sandcrawler- should carry 10 infantry units and move faster than recruits for some early rushes. No attack.


Evaporator farms- should generate as much food as an animal nursery with 1 or 2 nerfs inside.


Ewok huts- limited range turret with weak attack or a limited line of sight sentry tower but give it detection ability


Jawa and Tusken huts- create Jawas and Tuskens at an expensive price and a slow rate, plus the rate won't change when powered.


Various Markets- should work as spaceports but only give 10 nova no matter what distance you are from it.


Bottom line is, you should want to capture these things instead of getting them by accident.

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I like all the passive changes you suggest. Not sure about the sandcrawlers moving faster than recruits, or the Tuskens and Jawas, but I do like the idea of the buildings providing a food trickle or LOS/detection.


Your idea about the market is by far the best though. It is frustrating not being able to trade in a 1v1.


And yes, you should have some reason to capture them. I wouldn't mind if they were entirely cosmetic, but the fact that they turn to your side without apparent reason is just odd and somewhat silly.

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I don't think that Jawa's or Sandpeople should cost a lot (the cost of a Trooper maybe), but I DO think that they should have to be researched (maybe called Native Forces), and that research should cost a lot(200 Nova, 250 Food?).



The Moisture Farms shouldn't make food. They farm moisture not food.


But I like the market, and the Ewok Hutt, but istead of the Huts attacking I think they should just have a very good LOS. After all they ARE in trees. Hmmm well maybe they should let 5 Units be Garrisoned and THEN it could attack as a normal turret would.

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actually moisture farms DO make food , but indirectly


the idea is to farm moisture and then use it to grow food in an arid climate such as a desert like Tatooine


and i agree, these things should do something! they'd add yet one more thing for the battle to focus around besides reasources or choke points


- DM

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Yes. One of the best things about Age of Empires when it first came out was that you had avenues of victory beyond just smacking down the other guy; artifacts, Wonders, and those funny Stonehenge looking things which for the life of me I can't remember the name of. You could win via holding certain points on the map, by defending your own base for long enough, by raiding a town to nick the relics... it was really very cool, because you could use different styles of play to attain victory.


Being able to capture neutral buildings in Random Map is new to GB and it could have been really smart with a couple of the improvements suggested here. I like the Ewok huts having LOS better than an attack, though. First experiences with those pre-CC sandcrawlers have left me deeply suspicious of anything that attacks in T1...

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Originally posted by DashRendar

I don't think that Jawa's or Sandpeople should cost a lot (the cost of a Trooper maybe), but I DO think that they should have to be researched (maybe called Native Forces), and that research should cost a lot(200 Nova, 250 Food?).


But I like the market, and the Ewok Hutt, but istead of the Huts attacking I think they should just have a very good LOS. After all they ARE in trees. Hmmm well maybe they should let 5 Units be Garrisoned and THEN it could attack as a normal turret would.


Good ideas. I like the Native Forces idea, but isn't 200 nova abit much in tech-1; I say change it to carbon. I just thought that jawas should be expensive to compensate for their distance for your opponent (you could capture a jawa hut right next to the opposition), but I like your idea better.


Good point on the Ewok hutt too, you should have to garrision to make it attack. That way you'd be giving up something to get them to work. To address everybody, when I said that the hutts should have an attack, I meant something very weak, like an immobile scout mech, just to damage the enemy, not kill him. Oh well..

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You can trade in a 1v1, you just need to surround your opponent's trade center with walls, turrets, troops or whatever to make sure it can't attack your trade units... Course, if you have turrets then there is a good chance that the trade center will eventually blow up



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Originally posted by TheMadDoofer

What should the Massassi temples do?


They should be the only building that can garrison Air, and have a good repair rate. That way you can just capture one near an enemy bring in fighters and bombers then if they get hit you can just send them to the temple.

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Kryllith wrote;

You can trade in a 1v1, you just need to surround your opponent's trade center with walls, turrets, troops or whatever to make sure it can't attack your trade units... Course, if you have turrets then there is a good chance that the trade center will eventually blow up


Yes, except your opponent might just delete his spaceport and build a new one somewhere better defended. Spiteful little bugger. :mad:

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Well there is that problem, yes. :) Generally that's why I don't worry about trading in a human vs human game (unless it's teams). Course, there's no reason you can't go in and start building walls and turrets in an opponent's base just to annoy 'em.



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