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Changing Sabers to Swords


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there's actually a mod out there.. well, sort of that changes sabers to swords and saber sounds to metal clanging, etc.. its available mostly from jk2.net but I think I might have sawa copy floating around jk2files.com... not sure.

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ah so you are going to do this, I was going to try to do this myself...but if you are go ahead. I was just going to change the blade textures to swords and turn effects off....but you sound like your doing a more proffesional job

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yeah ....im really sorry but i only read 1 1/2 of these posts...

but over at massassi.net there is a mod where u can have a katana instead of a purple saber

if u wanna find out how to do it, just zip zip it good , da dadada daadaadadadaa

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I have Blades sword mod that i made (and am working out kinks) it turns the yellow lightsaber into a sword and removes all but the glow on the bottom, i am still working on how to remove that one. but i havent gotten time to put sounds in. and if you choose any othersaber color, the saber blur almost compleetly coveres the blade (slightly darker section) works pretty good, but i cant get the model to take the skin i made for it in game

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Actually I tried it (just to see if I could.) Replace the line file with your sword pic, make the glow2, and the two blur files all black. Then go ahead and make a new handle model. I think its sort of pointless to put so much effort into making an SW game non-SW

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