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Please read, this will help you


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i've noticed whenever the map rotates to duel_hangar, everyone gets all pissy and either leaves, or with servers with voting enabled, votes for nextmap or another map. I wouldn't consider my machine low end, but when i play that map my frames drop dramatically, turning off fastsky helps this. bind a key to "toggle r_fastsky; r_fastsky" and whever that maps appears hit the key and yourset, all thats going to do is increase frames by taking away the reflections.


some of you might have already known this, but i thought for those of you who don't know, SHOULD know. ;)


r_fastsky 1 takes away the sky and reflections, r_fastsky 0 will bring them back.

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oh geez...i guess you got me there :bored:


i don't see how you could really use anything in a duel map to your advantage, except maybe the little slanted curbs you can roll off of and catch air. but its not like you have the ability to throw objects at people (which is a goddamned shame). so why would you have to use anything besides your midstance backsweep/pull/cockslapagainstforehead finisher?

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no kal-el, you just misunderstood me. the slope i had in mind is the one on duel_temple. you know? does it ring a bell? that big ass slant. a few other maps have them. just thought i'd clear that up for you since i'm bored out of my mind. i'm going to stop resonding to this post now, should have thought twice before going up against the resident smartass. my so called good deed didn't really get through to anyone anyhow...


telcar read the very first post. the whole point of it was to increase your framerate, on that map in particular.

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Originally posted by mInk3nine

no kal-el, you just misunderstood me. the slope i had in mind is the one on duel_temple. you know? does it ring a bell? that big ass slant. a few other maps have them. just thought i'd clear that up for you since i'm bored out of my mind. i'm going to stop resonding to this post now, should have thought twice before going up against the resident smartass. my so called good deed didn't really get through to anyone anyhow...


telcar read the very first post. the whole point of it was to increase your framerate, on that map in particular.



Did I mention slopes? You're still stuck on them. Let go. It's over.


And trying to wash insolence with "good deed" doesn't work no matter how good was the deed.


And you are the resident smartass? :rofl: Everyone here must be a ****ing idiot if you are the smart one.....

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Thank you for the information minkenine.


I think that minkenine meant that you, kal-el, was the resident smartass. And you must agree, most of your post are very short off topics comments, or degrading, short, off topic insulting comments...

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Well if he meant me as a smartass I really don't care heh, but he sure didn't construct the sentence that way and I am not a mind reader.


Also, thank you for the definition of my posts...so good that I have someone like you to do that for me...


Oh and I'm not the resident Smartass, I'm the resident Jackass so if you're gonna get a shot at it, DO IT RIGHT :evil2:

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why do i even bother...


OK, let me break it down for you, since you don't appear to be too bright. Resident, meaning someone who stays in one place for a long time, ie: you ; Smartass, someone who is obnoxiously self assertive, ie: you. Combine those two words, and you get Resident Smartass. Is that simple enough? Apparantly you didn't catch on to the fact that I was calling you that, and if you did, well, it still makes you a smartass for your benign remark: "Everyone here must be a ****ing idiot if you are the smart one....."


I'm glad that you can at least sense sarcasm around here, but i guess that pays off since you're always here : P And i don't deny the fact that i'm being a smartass myself. No matter how useless the r_fastsky cvar is, i was just trying to be helpful. but you come in and throw your opinion around without even backing it up. At least put up a decent arguement about it.


btw, thx cjais

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And you even took the time to write that. :rofl:


Don't worry, just shows how much your word is worth when you say something, and then break your word.


Pfft, I laugh at you.


Although the thread is still a nice gestiure. I'm not denying that heh.

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