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What is an Unpure server?


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Pure server is not worth it in my opinion. It will probably kick 98% of non cheaters due to its buggyness. For example, if someone needed to reload the game, by exiting and coming back, the pure sever will kick them for unpure pk3.

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I enjoy playing unpure servers becaus4e they allow new skins. I have yet to personally have a problem with cheaters but my big problem is locating Unpure servers. Is there a flag in Server Info that denotes an impure server? Is there any way to tell if a server is unpure without logging into it?



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So, the only difference between a pure and unpure server is that the pure server checks the client's PK3 files to make sure they are untampered wtih?

I thought I read once somewhere that a pure server also stores more info server side and thus requires greater bandwidth because it's sending out data to the client's machine that would be on the client's machine on an unpure server??

Anyone know about this?

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Pure servers do not consume more bandwidth. The insignificant amount of md5sum data that is exchanged during the pk3 check isn't going to affect anything.


What I find humorous is the players that want to join unpure servers so they can use their custom skins when what they really want is for everyone ELSE to see their skin. Of course, most players won't have that custom skin and thus will see that player in a default skin. End result? The player runs around the server asking, "Can you see my skin?" Sure, there's a few players who don't care what everyone else sees and they just want to see themselves a particular way...but based on the number of "Can you see my skin?" questions flying around, that number doesn't seem very high.


Of course, the next question I get asked after "Can you see my skin?" is "How can I set the server to force a client to download my skin?" Which, of course, can't be done--and, imho, shouldn't be possible anyway. Long live cg_forceModel "1".

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