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poll: Spoilers!! Beware!! (about Desann)


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This is my first 'post' so bear with me. I have a question that has been bugging me. All of the guides found on Jedi-Outcast point to in the end defeating Desann by the invincibility thingy. To me, that seems rather cheap. I just wanted to know if anyone has beaten Desann without that and how. (assuming no cheat codes were used). Just curious. I've tried myself, gotten close, made a mistake and wound up dead. Any help would be nice. thankx

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Go to one of the pillars and start hacking it. Then get Desann to walk to that pillar, and chop it down. If you're lucky, it falls on Desann.


I once got the pillar to fall on Desann's lightsaber when he was throwing it. He's just a sitting duck then. ;)

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Mine was kind of a fluke win... We were battling for quite a while now... and I just got in a saber lock with Desann... so quite naturally, I used force push on him and pushed him into a corner... I guess I forgot I was in light mode, cos then, I did the special move (the one where you slash from bottom to top)... it kinda killed him... hehe... :D

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I defeated Dessan in roughly 20 seconds, maybe a little longer.

But basically, I quicksaved immediately after the cinematic, then changed light sabre style to heavy and jumped directly down to him. Just before hitting the ground I used Speed and then Push. After that push, Dessan simply lay on the ground while I used about 6 heavy direct blows on him. It was strange, he didn't even get up lol.

So I tried the same tactic a second time, he didn't lie on the ground this time, but i whooped him in about the same time without him using any of his annoying powers.

Interesting tactic, but it works. Don't even bother with the invincibility thingy, no need :)

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The invincability thingy counters God Mode!!!

I heard somewhere that it doesn't make you invincable it just replenishes your force meter while giveing you a little added speed. I did it. Jump down and suddenly it was in slow motion and it shows Dessan slash and hack my back. Blam.. I'm dead.

I thought it was rather ironic, so naturally after the amazment I was laughing.

lol.. it's still kinda funny.


-Darth Sadao :emperor:

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I think my record is literally 5 seconds. I dropped down on him using heavy stance, cleaved him in two in one hit...


I've used the G_realisticcombat "cheat" to slice him into tiny bits before, strange how he's in one piece for the cutscene (Strong the force in this one is)

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Easy way to defeat Desann is to wait for him to throw his lightsaber at you, (which he does very often) then activate 'Speed', making sure your lightsaber stance is on heavy, make your way over to Desann. He has no lightsaber, so just let rip on him, and he'll die withing 3-4 hits ;)


Sometimes, it's also possibly that if you stand infront of Desann, whilst he tries to get his saber back, it will hit you first in the back, causing no damage i found and leaving Desann help less....


Hope this helps...


| Darth Fleming |


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I just wear his force down a bit...just evading him, then toss on speed and hack away... A few times, he didn't even touch me at all, and I killed him... The trick to beating him without the power beam thingy, I think, is speed... the trick is speed with most things actually...

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I beat him without cheats, but about 1/2 way through the fight I hid in the crevice of the rocks in the back corner and force-healed back to strength. This gave me the last bit of strength I needed.


I found him to be about 1 1/10th the difficulty of the baddie in JKI. I attribute that mostly to the fact, though, that in JKII the lightsaber is so much more controllable and I can actually win on saber skill and a few force moves alone. Definitely use speed and even lightning, but save some juice for emergency heal. Also, like someone else said, KEEP MOVING. Desann can take a brief opening and slash you down with one hit, so hit him and move. I didn't like the strong stance because of his ability to do this.


Good luck!

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My first time againest Dressan was in "Padawan" level of difficaulty. I got my butt handed to me the first time around, then I went at him with all I had. Speed force was one of my best helps. It took only about two minutes to get him that time. But in the higher levels of dif. Dressan gets tougher too. ;)

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I'm happy...I'm sad...I want MORE JK2


what a great game and desann kicked me bum for a bit...then I got smart. He wasn't even close to as hard as what's his bum from JK dark forces 2, but still I had a great time. And thanks to all here for the tips and tricks...I used em and they worked

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