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So annoying


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Originally posted by SPY_jmr1

in keeping with the theme... 16, 6'0" 130#... all upperbody muscles... (gotta win those sab locks somehow...;):D )


oh yeah, the point... from what I have seen, the people who say "ass****? must be a whiney 13YO" are the true idiots... also the people who say"13? must be a moron".... very hard not to prove them right by inverting there face.... so far I have resisted those erges... been hard but....;)




Man, what are you? A stick? You must be realy skinny, and that's good, go out and eat a pizza or something, average weightt for that height is 30lbs more than you are(I should know, that's the weight I should be at, and I'm also 6' tall but I'm 100lbs more, and I know, that's not good, but I'm working on losing weight)

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It's been a long time since I've last encountered you Blues..... Way too long. What a twist of fate that I find you here. I'm very sure you remember who I am and I am just as sure that the rest of JNO does too..... Of course, to them, I'm just a bad memory. But to you, I was a friend and I still am. I'm quite surprised that JNO got this far. Anyway, I put that past behind me and am reborn anew. How go your new exploits in Jedi Outcast? Are you still the formiddable opponent you used to be? I'm sure you are and I'm sure that JNO has gotten a lot better than before..... This leads me to a favor to ask of you. For old time's sake..... Would you be so kind as to supply me with the new site address of the Jedi of the New Order? I await your reply Blues..... Send my regards to Kyp, Tara, Aragorn and the rest and send my condolences to Naga for the loss of his own clan all those years ago.....:rolleyes: . As for now, goodbye my friend and may the force be with you..... Always.....




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okay..since we're doing introductions...


I'm 19, from Calgary...


I enjoy long walks in the park, dressing up and pretending to be a jedi, and whoring the backstab move (without assfighting) to get me up the ladders.


Oh and I don't shut up here either...I just don't yell and scream often.

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