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WIP: Battle Droid


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I know theres been a fair few of these made at some point, but so far there's none been finished. So here is my first new player model. I started this back before the tools came out, but gave up due to exams. I've since started on it again, and its now modelled, mapped, segmented and capped.


The shot on the right is slightly out of date now, but it gives a better idea of the way the droid looks when standing :)



I've been following spacemonkey's tutorial on getting the skeleton imported, but I'm pretty confused with which tags I'm meant to use, and which I have to delete (if any). I have no experience with the use of bones or weighting either (all my previous work was just stationary models), so if anyone is willing to help me get this thing in game it'd be much apprecaited. I've started to draw up some skins, but if anyone else wants to try it out I'll happily send you the maps/mesh.


EDIT: So you don'ty have to scroll through all the bumps, heres the textured model so far (still WIP)



EDIT AGAIN: It's almost done, just needs tagging and weighting. Unfortunatly I can't get these to work for some reason.


As for skins, it's going to have seven - infantry, pilot, security and command, as well as the orange-pink geonosis droids. It also has an all red battle droid and an all blue droid for CTF. I'll post pics soon.


EDIT YET AGAIN: An update with pics! Here's the various skins I will be including. Mostly done, though I'll probably still modify them.


CTF colours

Click for image


Geonosis Droid. I'm not sure how accurate the colours are, but they seem pretty close to the one in my book.

Click for image

Security Droid. I've tried to go for accuracy with this model/skin (though the hips are a little off), and so all the variants are exact to the movies. I am aware the pilot and security droids do not have backpacks, and they won't in game. However I didn't bother to remove them for these pics :)

Click for image

Pilot Droid.

Click for image

And finally, the officer droid.

Click for image


I STILL need to get it in game lol.

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It's perfect! I hope someone helps you quick with that complicated technical stuff and get this droide into the game! Sure would be fun hacking up droids! Don't forget the *roger roger* taunt! That is a must! (and way cooler than the *get behind him*)



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Sweet, been waiting for a BattleDroid model, going to use it to replace the Stormtroopers in the SP game. I figured I'd do kinda like my own SP mod, and replace all the models with skins and user-made models. Make it during the time of the Clone Wars, and do my own sound recording for it.

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I will be doing a SP addon that replaces the troopers with droids, and I will also have all the different skins. As for taunts, I found a "roger roger" sound clip that I will be using as the main taunt, though I can include more than one. (could it become as annoying as "Hey you there"? :) )


Still no luck with tags yet, really confusing stuff. Gonna have another look this afternoon. I'm also looking for a good way to reduce polys on the mesh for lods, but haven't found a decent tool yet.

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I have my battle droid just about finshed. prolly will be released in a day or so. I have him about have attatched to the skeleton already. maybe we can combine the 2 or somthing. BTW I do have a few Bdroid samples including "roger Roger" and about 4-5 dozen others. let me know.


Just so everyone knows I'm also well into making KIT FISTO as well.







get my Darth Maul @ http://www.plazaroyal.com/rws

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Originally posted by Darth-Nasty



I dont spose you could try making a battledroid with c3po's head and one with c3po's body like in episode 2????



THats one part of the movie that would have made my life better if they would have done without.:mad: Soo stupid....



I have seen a few threads of people making battle droids, but they never seem to get past the modeling phase. I dont recall mention of yours zero427. Any shots of yours since you seem to be almost done yours? I havent seen one passed the state Prophet's is, but his mesh is quite good.

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Originally posted by Darth-Nasty



I dont spose you could try making a battledroid with c3po's head and one with c3po's body like in episode 2????




I think the other members would brutally kill me if I did that judging by the reactions in this thread :)


zero427/RunsWithScissors, I've emailed you. There were two versions of the battledroid released for Q3, so I don't see why there can't be two for JKII as well :). I'm not really one to compete with others, I try to go for things others haven't generally, and it's probably my bad luck that the two I'd chosen to do were Kit Fisto (barely started) and the droid :)

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Aegis Aegis they dont have Softimage XSI so they cant make new anims for droid deka...it wouldnt look nice droid deka tall as kyle running/walking around with the kyles walking/running anims & weapons sticking out of its own weapons : D.It Would be awesome see both of those...battle droid & droid deka in its real size etc.both zero & prophet have battle droids in process..nice to see how this turns out.

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