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i need to know where i can find the saber lock script


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no subject462 he means the saber lock script that makes him win all saberlocks combat :



and 16_shots you must bind your key to [+attack -attack] many times.....

but i won't explain you the syntax learn about scripting and it will seems easy for you to understand and to make it ....

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set +slock "+attack; wait; -attack; wait; +attack; wait; -attack; wait; +attack; wait; -attack; wait; +attack; wait; -attack; wait; +attack; wait; -attack; wait"

bind C "+slock"







copy paste the lines ubove to notepad and save with .cfg file extension. In game (in console) type \exec (name of file)


i can't test it cuase i'm not at home but it should work, if i didn't miss some syntax errors. The last line, the C can be any key you want.



I dunno why people didn't help ya, kinda lame. Hope this helps. Lemme try and explain how it works, so you can understand and learn from it. Every key press has a + and a -. The plus is when the key is pressed and the - is when the key is released. What you want to do is imitate the up and down key press for attack. So you bind that to a value i named slock. Then you bind that to a key on your key board. I put the waits in there as to compensate for lag/delay. You might have to add or remove the waits for better results.


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Call it what you will, but leaving people in the dark isn't the answer. Knowledge is power, it's free or should be. Beside, i can still do anything a script can do, it just makes it easier. Note i don't use this script, just made it off the top of my head, since the games released i've been in maybe 3 saberlocks.


Lameness is a mute point. You see people using the backstab attack exclusively now, didn't change a thing, it may be lame but it works. This isn't an RPG so role playing isn't required, it's a fps. And all the tactics of a fps are used, that includes camping, stalking, "cheesy moves". Don't like? I'm sorry, just have to get used to it. Not everyone thinks of the game having Honor just cuase it has jedi in it.



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Sorry, but what means fps? I'm sure you don't mean frames per second... :D


Beside, i can still do anything a script can do, it just makes it easier.

Well, I don't think you could ever press and release a mouse button in a frequence the script can do it, but I don't want to argue about lameness/cheating here, there always will be multiple opinions about it with good points on each side.

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good point.... arguring over the internet is like running in the special olympics....even if you win you are still retarded.... heh, i got a pick of this saying too, makes me laugh




fps usually means frames per second, but when used as a genre of games it means first person shooter.




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like i said, you might have to tweak it.... add some waits to it. Maybe change to first line to read



alias slock "+attack.......



not set slock




I haven't used it, still at work. The idea was to show you the basics, haven't tested it so....




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