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Cable Cars


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I remember when playing Red Faction, Parker used a cable car to get across this one area in the map. This gave me an idea.. To make one of these cable cars, all i would basically do is make a train, and then just doctor it up right !?


I think it would be rather neat-o to have Kyle transverse a snowy canyon or ravine, kinda like in the movie Where Eagles Dare, then get to the next part of the level!

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well yeah, but, from what shots i saw i didn't see anything but a flat platform... i'm talking about an actual car, with a rail suspended over a canyon...much like the train in doomgiver...only outside, not as train looking, moving alot slower too..


I doubt I can make the car go from a higher point to a lower point, but, with making the terrain right, it could give the impression of this!!!

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I don't see anything wrong with you making the level. You might make it even better. I liked the look on that level, though. My favorite level from UT is the one with the train. So... There ya go!


I really think that they should have used the terrain destructive power for JKO. It would have been cool to have been able to tunnel with your saber in order to find a good vantage point to strike down your enemies.

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Yeah, the screenshots don't show it. It is actually a complete skiff.





Make the "cable car", but be sure that it doesn't include a func_group, or any other object beside normal brushes.



Place a small (2x2x2) brush into the floor of the "cable car" and give it a "system/origin" texture



Select all brushes (including the one with the origin texture) and make the cable car a func_train (right-click on the selection in the 2d window and slecet "func_train")



make the waypoints and toy with them until it works. There you go!

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You can also use settings of the "func_train" and "path_corners" (the waypoints) objects to make the train rotate, pitch and whatever while traveling from one "path_corner" to another.


(And yes, it can go up and down. The train in doomgiver is a func_train doing exactely that.

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well, if it goes up and down, how am i supposed to make a rail system that goes down with the train.... now granted, once i get my reactor cavern made, i am going to start this part of my level..


my main thing is that i want something like this......


Kyle steps out into a small outcove, there is, just like in RIVEN or Red Faction, a type of cable car station... with a platform where this train/car docks... looking over the gorge/canyon is a track extending to another part of the level...


I just know i can make the thing go straight, but my idea is to go from a higher point to a lower point or vice versa, but, with building a train with a TRACK... I do not want some floating platform...i want a track or better yet, a way to make cable....


i'll make a normal train if i have to, i don't want to spend forever on some idea like this, i just thought it would be different...and sadly, i MISS RED FACTION!!! LOL loved the cable car in that game a ton....



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Yah i know what you mean about the Geo-mod game engine in Red Faction. From what i saw its just like Radiant, only the ' void ' is solid rock, and you cut your level out of it. Thats how they got that game to be soo cool.

The only thing I didn't like about Red Faction is that it ran a bit slow for me. I just bought my new Pc this january, and I got Xp with it. Red Faction was out last summer, and wasn't designed for XP. My cutscenes were aweful... same thing with Deus Ex. I had sound issues with that game as well. Was a bit choppy sometimes....

Can't wait for Red Faction 2 to come out!

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