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some nice things have been revealed!

Wraith 8

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i was reading the main site of SWgalaxies... and Gonk posted an interview with a DEV.. and he said that there was nothing new there.. well for me there was :D.. and maybe for you guys to.. i dont know.. ill post the ones that said something new to me.


Here is some GOOD news for Jedi's who think it will be realy hard to be a jedi. they will make it easier if it gets to hard.


IGNPC: On the subject of Force Sensitivity and Jedi (hey, we just can't resist), we know there's no hard limit on their numbers. However, can you offer any insight into a rough number that your organic system is currently targeting? Also, if not now, do you plan on ever releasing any further information on even just the beginning stages of what it might take for a player to become FS? Does the system employed even allow for a defined approach to the quest?


Haden Blackman: We're purposefully holding back information on Force Sensitivity and Jedi because we want Jedi to be rare and mysterious. We don't have a "target" for the number of Jedi or Force Sensitives in the game; again, since it's a rather organic system, it's not something we want to try to control through any numerical limits. It will be interesting to see what happens in Beta, though.


In terms of the Jedi system and information about it, if we find that we're being too restrictive, we can always loosen up later - it's much more difficult to tighten controls after launch.



This tells us some nice info on chracter creation... and how the game will start... i LOVE it already.


IGNPC: Following the awesome customizations available in the character creation process, can you give us a run-down on what a brand new character does to get going in the world of SWG?


Haden Blackman: For a new player, it's actually pretty easy. After you customize your character, you're directed to a screen that breaks down all the starting professions into three categories: commerce, social, and adventuring. You select one of these categories, then take your pick from a larger group of professions (if you choose "adventuring," you'd be offered profession choices like "marksman" or "explorer," for example). These starting professions function like templates - they provide you with a reasonable set of starting skills, attributes, equipment, and even clothing. Then you enter the game and receive your first mission (based on one of your skills) almost immediately. We hold your hand through the first mission, teaching you how to use the mission system, your radar, waypoints, etc. As you progress through the game, you're not locked into your profession choice - if you want to explore skills outside your starting profession, that's fine. You might start the game as an explorer and eventually phase out any skills related to that profession in order to become an image designer, if that's your bag.


Advanced players can skip the profession categories and starting professions altogether. Instead, an advanced player can hand-pick his or her starting skills, adjust the character's attributes, select basic equipment, etc. This allows for a more customized experience. The great thing about the advanced option is that it allows us to track which combinations advanced players are selecting to start the game - if they discover an effective or cool combination of skills, etc. we can easily create a starting profession template based on that collection, opening it up to new or less experienced players.



Well good news for us traders and the ones that want to own a speeder or something like that


IGNPC: Lastly, as the initial launch product draws closer to release, can you identify the last few things that you definitely are striving to include? Are any of the things being scratched off the list for now definitely going into the Space Expansion next year?


Haden Blackman: We're working on another feature cut pass right now. The one thing that we're really trying to save for launch is some form of player-owned vehicles.



If you want to read the entire article go here.


Thanks Gonk and Haden :D


-Wraith 8-

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well on the main site they now have an interview with haden again and another dev..... it is in MP3 form.. you have to understand english pertty good in order to understand them... but maybe i can post the interview here sometimes :D

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