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Stormtrooper Saga Update


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It's been a bit since I mentioned somethin about this...


We are still looking for people to join our team. Ender has gracefully dropped out of the project due to PC troubles so we have one mapping slot open. Anyone that wants to apply, email me at volrath_the_insane@msn.com. Now. :p


We also still need the following:




Vocal Talent


I have the website finished and it will be going up soon (Sergio need to talk to you about that man). The first level (which is set on Tatooine) is in the works and when the site goes up it will have preview screenies of it, as well as a couple other things.


Anyways, that's the update. Thanks for listenin!



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ok i admit ididn'tthinkjarjarwasallthatannoying! annoyinh but not aas annoying as everyone said! ok now thats out um we also need scripter prob should tell you the story but its in another post of the same name lower down!

volrath's slave/bitch






:D just joking

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ok number one: No JAR JAR WHATSOEVER..


I hated him. :p


No mostly we need vocal talent for our hero since he is gonna talk and I want him to be able to say more than "Move Along." and "Hey! You!"




scripting is real important right now though. we can't do much with the maps till we have a scripter. Anyways, I'll have the story posted here soon, can't do it now, I'm in the middle of a lot of stuff..





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Originally posted by volrathxp

scripting is real important right now though. we can't do much with the maps till we have a scripter.


Why not? I'd say it's logical to first finish the map and then begin with scripts, is it not?


And what do you mean NO JAR JAR? :p

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Tonight our website should be up. the address will end up being:




We have two new members: PainGod (Mapping) and Imran (Vocal Talent) and possibly a 3rd new member.


Update on first level: Basic Structure of the map is in place. Now going through and adding the rocky walls and some areas to hide stuff in (for some secret areas).


Everything is still all caulked so we have no ingame shots yet, but will soon once I get some basic texturing down.


Also: I know i should prolly ask this in the modelling forum but does anyone know how to create a curved surface in GMax? I'm working on a model of the imperial symbol for the logo on the main menu and I can't get the inside to curve around the center like a circle. Thanks!



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Exactly what kind of Flash do you need to view this thing? It tells me "You have no Flash or your player is too old" tho I am pretty sure that I have recent flash player (every single flash site worked so far).

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