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RTS world of the future???


The RTS world of the Future???  

8 members have voted

  1. 1. The RTS world of the Future???

    • Age of Mythology
    • Empire Earth
    • Civilization III
    • Galactic Battle Grounds
    • Battle Realms
    • RA2-Yuri's Revenge
    • WarCraft III
    • Real War

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Originally posted by Kvan

Haven't you realized that Blizzard is slow? They take forever to do anything. So SC2 will come out, it's just a matter of time :)


How much time 24 years??? Please let me in on this secret.:rolleyes:


StarCraft has needed a sequel for a long time. If one was made right now it would be a huge hit. But nooooo they just want to sit back and relax:mad:

They could make a TON of money making it:mad:

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Guest Gamma732

Its Blizzard. Their slow, and they produce quality games. They only focus on 1, maybe 2 games at a time. Kvan's right, they will make a sequel. If they didn't that'd be a horrible decision, financially. And since profits are usually the bottem line in a business, they'll make a SC2. And it won't be 24 years. I'll probably be playing SC2 by the time I'm a Junior in college.(I'm 17 now) ;)

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Lord JayVizIon

i've heard mixed reviews for ra2. i've thought about getting it, but if you can come up with something convincing, i may...:cool:


i've heard that there were units that were quite too powerful that throws off the balance of the game.....


Ok, here's the run down that should end up with you getting it....probably.


The best thing about RA2 is the campaign, it has a great story with alot of missions on both sides and takes a long time to beat and is very challenging on hard. But, the multiplayer is very good also. You can play against a lot of people, and they have a great skirmish with a random map generator or tons of different premade ones. The game is very fast paced, especially on hard, but you can set it to be slower if you want to, but you most likely won't. You can play on the internet through a server, or through direct connection (tcp/ip). You have the option of turning on or off superweapons, to make for 2 totally different game modes with much different strategies. Catch your breath for a second......


ok, no unit is too powerfull on its own, everything can be easily destroyed with the right units, especially on hard. The best task forces are made using multiple types of units to support each other. There are also a wide array of devense structures to help you accomplish this, including anti-air, tank, and infantry turrets. There are air units for the allies, which are powerfull, but there are flak connons, flak tanks, and flak troopers that can easily stop them in no tome. However, harriers are deadly if you leave your base open. the navy isn't too predominant, but the allies aircraft carriers can devestate an ocean-front base. However, they are easily destroyed by soviet subs, and their planes can be shot down by flak boats. Other naval units include mind controled giant squids, and also echo firing dolphins to deal with them.


Ok, on to the superweapons. The soviets have the nuke, which is devestating to infantry and tanks, but building can usually barely hold up. It is the perfect thing to use right before an invasion. They also have the iron curtain, which makes units temporarily invincible. I'm not sure how long it is, but i think it is close to 30 second or so. Use this on appocolipse tanks and you can say goodbye to whatever they are attacking. Ok, now for the allies. They have a weather storm, whcih is more powerfull, but also more sporatic that the nuke. You can't count on it to take out units, but place it over a building and watch it explode. They also have the chronospere, which can teleport tanks inside a 4x4 or so area anywhere on the map. You can teleport your tanks inside an enemy base, or teleport enemy harvestors into the water. It works on all tanks, but it kills infantry. You can use the iron and chronosphere like every 6 or 8 minutes, and the nuke or weather storm every 12.

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Guest Tie Guy

not finished yet. On to the interface....


The interface is much easier than the AOK one. There is a bar on the side that has 4 different tabs. One for buildings, defense structures, infantry, and tanks/air/navy. It is very effective, as you don't have to be at your base to buid units. You can queue up to 30 units of each, but you can only build one of each type of unit at a time (ie, you can builf 30 GIs and 30 tanyas at the same time). There are also repair and sell buttons on the interface, and the minimap of course. There is an option for fog of war if you want, but the shroud usually doesn't regenerate. And you have to a radar building to get the minimap.


Now, the allies in campaign, and both in MP have a unit called the spy. It can target any unit and it will look like it. So, you can sneak one into an enemy base, but guard dogs can see and easily killl them, as they are unarmed. If you get one into the weapons factory or barrack, all your new tanks and/or infantry will start out as verterans when built, which really helps. Get one into a power plant, and it will temporarily shut down power. This takes defenses offline, as well as radar. Get one into a refinery, and you steal the opponents money in that refinery. The allies also have "tanya" who can devestate enemy troops with her colt 45.s before they even get close. the has low hp points though, and does squat to tanks. She can building with her C4, but she ha to be right next to them. The soviets have a yuri, which can mind control 1 unit at a time. When that unit dies, it can immediately get another one. Also, it controls them instantly, unlike monks in AOK.


Ok, now for the resources. It is much easier than in AOK, you have am ore refinery, and harvesters. the allies harester carries half as much ore, but teleports back to the refinery when it has collected the ore. It has to drive to the field to get back though, no teleporting. the soviet harvester has a machine gun on top, toi harass enemy troop that get to close. Harvester have high HP, and are self regenerating, but for the most part they are harmless. It is always wise to have multiple harvesters, to support your army. the allies also have a special structure that gives them 1.5 as much ore with each load, whcih is very usefull.


Now for the sound. The sound is great. Like most rts's, each unit has multiple phrases that it says when you give it a command. They are very well done, which different voices and phrases that fit perfectly. Ok, the music. If there was only one thing that set this game apart, it is the music. It is simply incredible. All the music fits perfectly with game style, and it really good. Most games barely have any background music at all, but RA2s, has some very good tracks that fit in with the war theme.


The game also features real life cutscenes that were filmed. Every mission has one, before you start. They tell the story and give you a briefing. They really set the mood for the missions, and let you know what you have to do, so it is very clear. Also, the game has one incredible opening cutscene that comes up when you first open the game. Do not skip it, it is great, and really sets up the story. Plus, it has really great music.


Ok, i can't think of anything else to say, except that if you get it you will not be disapointed. IMO opinion, it is the greatest rts to date, and that includes AOK. It beats all of them by far. If you want to know anything else, just ask, or go to http://www.westwood.com You can get a unit list there if you want.


wow, thats long.......

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

Ok, i can't think of anything else to say, except that if you get it you will not be disapointed. IMO opinion, it is the greatest rts to date, and that includes AOK. It beats all of them by far. If you want to know anything else, just ask, or go to http://www.westwood.com You can get a unit list there if you want.


wow, thats long.......


wow, thanks tie for the novel. if you say this is the best rts around, then i gotta see this for myself. as of now, i have Aok and starcraft as no. 1 and 2, respectively. homeworld, which has awesome graphics, is up there as well...

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Originally posted by Lord JayVizIon


wow, thanks tie for the novel. if you say this is the best rts around, then i gotta see this for myself. from the looks of it, i could possibly get this game for as high as 30 bucks and as low as 22.


as of now, i have Aok and starcraft as no. 1 and 2, respectively. homeworld, which has awesome graphics, is up there as well...

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