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This my first Skin...Darth Vokor


Darth Vokor was Orinaly a Jedi Knight named Jo-Kar. He was

a Jedi the same time as Anakin Skywalker. He befreinded Anakin, until the Battle of Genosis when his younger Brother To-Mar was killed by Darth Tyrannis. He later found out (while still a Jedi) that Anakin (now Darth Vader) had Killed his only other living reletive. His Mother. Both of these Events eventually led to his falling to the Dark Side. The Jedi council saw it fit to releve Lord Jo-Kar from being a Jedi Knight. He then returned to his home on Gallant 6. There he stayed for many years. Then a Dark Jedi Named Desann Offerd Jo-Kar the Great priviage of Killing Anakin's Son Luke Skywalker. Jo-Kar Jouryed to The Valley of the Jedi with Desann. After Desann's and Tavion's Death buy Kyle Katarn. Jo-Kar Became Darth Vokor. And Sweared to Kill Kyle and Luke Skywalker.




Picture 1


Picture 2


Close Up of Face


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Thanks....Here is another one that i have done..only I can't figure out hoiw to get the left eye to disapper. He is not yet ready to be relased bcause of the eye thing. But Here's some info:


Picture 1


Name: Qui Gin Tonar

Species: Humanoid

Age: 215

Sex: Male

Affiliation: Jedi

Ocupation: Jedi Master/Council Member


History: Qui Gin was a young man when he was dicovered by Mace Windu. He was very strong in the force. He was later commisioned as a Jedi Master, not long after his long time freind Qui Gon Jin was killed by Darth Maul. Qui Gin became very good freinds with Obi Wan Kenobi. After the Death of Mace Windu by (Anakin Skywalker) Darth Vader. Qui Gin was promoted to the Jedi council. He Lost his Left eye in a battle with Darth Vader. He along with Yoda, Obi Wan and others went into hiding. However, He let his force powers dwindle. He Meditated every day. When Ben Kenobi was killed By his former padawan. Qui Gin came out of hiding and began to train some of his own Jedi's. He later joined Luke at the Jedi Acadamey on Yavin 4. He was at the temple during the Attack on the Jedi acadmey by Desann. He later found out that his former padawan (Jo-Kar) had sucumbed to the dark side to become Darth Vokor. He is currently a Member of the New Jedi Council. He is also the only surving Jedi to live and see the Old Republic fade away, the Rise and fall of the Empire, and the Birth of the New Republic.



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Originally posted by Kyle_KatarnJedi

History: Qui Gin was a young man when he was dicovered by Mace Windu. He was very strong in the force. He was later commisioned as a Jedi Master, not long after his long time freind Qui Gon Jin was killed by Darth Maul. Qui Gin became very good freinds with Obi Wan Kenobi. After the Death of Mace Windu by (Anakin Skywalker) Darth Vader. Qui Gin was promoted to the Jedi council. He Lost his Left eye in a battle with Darth Vader. He along with Yoda, Obi Wan and others went into hiding. However, He let his force powers dwindle. He Meditated every day. When Ben Kenobi was killed By his former padawan. Qui Gin came out of hiding and began to train some of his own Jedi's. He later joined Luke at the Jedi Acadamey on Yavin 4. He was at the temple during the Attack on the Jedi acadmey by Desann. He later found out that his former padawan (Jo-Kar) had sucumbed to the dark side to become Darth Vokor. He is currently a Member of the New Jedi Council. He is also the only surving Jedi to live and see the Old Republic fade away, the Rise and fall of the Empire, and the Birth of the New Republic.


That... and the pic's link doesn't work.


:D :D :D

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