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Some Beta Testers needed


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Yes, it was lowered (although too much). I will say it was a bit over powered in 1.02, but 1.03 just nerfed it to hell.


Beta 2 will have better drain.


As for the site being down, try again. It's working fine. If you have problems, run tracert to it.

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NS 6 is out of the picture due to some bugs that pre Mozilla 0.9.8 had. The JavaScript has been fixed to reflect this. If he had a browser that wasn't compliant, he would've been taken to a browser download/info page.


As for increasing heal, we'll see. We're enhancing JK2's gameplay, not making a clone of JK1. Currently 30 cost for 40 health has gotten quite a few good words from people that I've asked.

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Can you give us a client side (optional) part of the mod that allows us to change from double tap to single tap for kicks?


I really miss kicks.


Also, does this mod turn on Ghoul 2?


I hope it does to remove backstabbing as a one hit kill.


In fact, a big focus should be to remove any one hit kills.



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If you do enable Ghoul2 and the Sabertrace mode - I suggest putting them in a server/client menu - can you make those settings report to the master server so we can filter them via ASE, etc?


I think you could really help the community by giving people option in how to run the mod, and those options reports as rules - like the maxforcerank one, etc.


Here's some ideas I had for a mod - may help:


There are some good and bad things about 1.03.


The following seems to fix alot of them:


seta g_sabertracesaberfirst 0


(Makes saber like 1.02)


seta g_saberghoul2collision 1


(The above two make the backstab normal move and not a one hit kill move).


seta g_dismember 300


Speaks for itself.


A couple other things that I notice a lot of people are upset about - the double tap kick - if there could be an option to change it from double to single, that'd be great. They are upset about the force powers being weaker for the dark side in 1.03. And the weapon people are very upset about the nerfing of weapons.


Okay .. so here's my question for the mod community:


Would it be possible to:


1. Add a client side option for double to single tap?


2. Make the following server settings viewable by clients:


seta g_sabertracesaberfirst 0


seta g_saberghoul2collision 1


seta g_dismember 300


Broadcast as rules to the master servers - just like G_ForceMaxRank - you can filter it via ASE, GS, etc.


3. Add a G_ForceMaxRank 8 (current is 1 - 7) that tweaks all the force powers to be like they were with 1.02.


4. A new rule that has g_oldweapons 1 or 0 so they react and spawn just like 1.02.


I notice most mods (like CS for HL and Q3F for Quake 3) can add rules that others can see.


Wouldn't this please the 1.02 community and not interfere with the 1.03 community because it's all about options that are


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"We are also discussing whether to increase the heavy stance to a one hit kill. As this would be ideal, we also have to think of balance."


That's the worst possible thing you can do with this mod.


There should be NO one hit kills.


That's what causes all the controversy in 1.02 and 1.03.

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Oh ...


And it'd really be cool if you could allow for friendly fire servers to have an auto kick system if a person kills or damages his team mates too much - something to consider later on.


I think friendly fire really makes a game more challenging.

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Quietsith read the whole thing before you comment, this 6 posts thing is insane


one hit kills is perfectly fine, the problem with 1.03 is the special move is one-hit kill and the normal swings do like 20-30, with a medium swing doing 75 a one-hit kill hvy is not a problem at all


one suggestion I have is to decrease movement speed so that lightsaber duels are more tactical and less running around hlding the button

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QuietSith, while I was like you dismayed at the new kicks in 1.03, the double tap kick allows something very special: the ability to kick in midair. Once I worked midair kicking into the scheme of things (especially useful for those who use the medium special or even against dfa) I found the double tap to be more useful. If i need to do a quick kick, I get them with a side kick.


I'm sure you've worked this out before, but double tap kicks aren't the end of kicking.

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Ok, first off, those variables make servers unreliabled. Our server has crashed before due to turning those on. As for backstab being a one hit kill, it's not. It takes a minimum of 3 backstabs (with default health/shields) to kill someone. On top of that, good luck trying to pull/push someone down to try to backstab.


There's nothing wrong with a one hit kill. With heavy stance already being close (in most cases it is a one hit kill), bumping up the damage a little more isn't going to cause any spamming of anything.


I can understand why duels were not allowed in TDM and CTF: those are team games, not individual. I can see the horrible consequences of getting into a duel during a CTF match. Duels should be left to it's own gametype (or in FFA), not become apart of team-based game play.


As for kicks, I've debated whether or not to change kicks back to 1.02 style. I can, however, tell you that the double-tap has become not a problem with me (and I'm not even a saberist). Logically, making a client-side option to turn off double-tap kicks would be a bad idea. Although double-tapping has become easy, it is still not as fast or easy as 1.02 style, which would give some users an edge over the others. In my mind, it is either one or the other, not both.


"one suggestion I have is to decrease movement speed so that lightsaber duels are more tactical and less running around hlding the button"


What exactly do you mean by decreasing movement?

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I mean reducing movement speed a bit, cause right now people swing and hit air a ton becuase they fly right past each other


I think if you slow down movement speed a little bit it would make the duels more delibrite


also making bakpedal a little slower then running forward would get rid of those people who run away throwing the saber


I don't want drastic change, just a slight change should have the desired effect


[Edit I'm not a newbie just because I play the game instead of hanging in the forum 24/7]

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