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okey, some questions..


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1. Is there a file that decides what music file should be played in wich map? Let's say i have a music file that i want to be played on a certain level (all the time), is there any way of doing this?


2. Is it possible to zoom in and out when taking screenshots?

I know how to change the angle (cg_thirdpersonangle x)

but can you change the distant as well?


3. In the sp game, when you fight with the saber, isn't there a lot more sparcles and white glows everywere? (know what i mean?) can you add that to the mp game?



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Originally posted by pakmannen

oh, and one more question..


what is this jedi vs mercenaries that everybody talks about?

and were can i get it?


actually, what they mean is when people play in JK2 multiplayer, there will be two teams competeing against each other (Team ffa), where by one team consist of players equipped with lightsabers and force only while the other team is forbidden to use lightsabers, hence only guns.


Its not a new game or anything, just something they came up with to prove which type of players are better...~;)



sorry i couldnt help with the other 3 questions...

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Originally posted by ~*H0ly_sHat*~


actually, what they mean is when people play in JK2 multiplayer, there will be two teams competeing against each other (Team ffa), where by one team consist of players equipped with lightsabers and force only while the other team is forbidden to use lightsabers, hence only guns.


Its not a new game or anything, just something they came up with to prove which type of players are better...~;)



sorry i couldnt help with the other 3 questions...


WELL you re horibly WRONG !!


it s already ingame in the code and you need ony to set a cvar :

g_jedivsmerc 1 (or something like this..)


and it s a new game type .

when you enter the game you are asked to join a team :

jedi or mercenaries...

Jedi should be red and merc should be blue....

jedi can use the force and lightsabers but CAN'T pickup anything ...

and Merc don't have force powers or sabers but can pickup everyitem and weapons ......

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1. I do not know what you mean by a file that tells what music you want to be played on a certian level, BUT--if you only want ONE song, track, ect. to play on a level do this:


First grab a .wav file for you listening enjoyment.


Second, make a brush anywhere on the map.


Third, right-click on that brush and select "target" then "speaker."

A box will appear in place of that brush.


Fourth, press N and enter "noise" in the key field and in the value field enter the path of your .wav file.

You will need to create a folder named "sound" in your "base" directory, and inside that folder create a folder with the name of your map--that is where you .wav file should go. The value field should look something like this:




Now, that is only going to make the sound play near that brush, soooooo we do this:


Fifth: You will see checkboxes (if you are using GTK Radiant) when you press the "n" key. Check Global--that makes the .wav play throughout the map. You also might want to check Looped On.


Thats all there is to it!


2. Sorry, but as far as I know, it is impossible to zoom out. You can, however, do this:

Type the following into the console


/cg_draw2d 0 removes the scores

/cg_drawstatus 0 removes health/ammo

/cg_drawcrosshair 0 removes the crosshair

/cg_drawgun 0 removes the gun


That will make the screen look nicer, then, I think, you can type



so you can levitate around to get a higher angle on your screenshots. I remember this stuff from Q3arena--so it might not all be accurate.


3. Sorry, they removed those extra sparkles from multi to get higher framerates. And their aint, unless you get REAL fancy and use the Effects Editor that came with JKIITools 2, a darn way to put them in.


I hope I helped a little.

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thanks a lot!

i have just started to use the Quake 3 editor. it's quite okey.


oh, btw, does anyone know a good tutorial on the JO editor? it's slightly different from the Q3 editor it seems..


hej hej! mycket svenskar här alltså? tufft. :D :D :D

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That will make the screen look nicer, then, I think, you can type





It's actualyy /noclip and to use it cheats have to be activated.





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