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Whats your fps?

Daver Hacker

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Thanks, but those 128MB GF4's are about that price in pounds! and I am not spending £300 on a card.

However, I have found a GeForce4 Ti4200 64MB for £138!!! Thats good value.

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I am using 800*600 with all the effects off like wallmarks off (its a shame wallmarks look cool) and with a picmip setting of 3 (to stretch the textures, but not too much like 5).

Basically my problem is the Voodoo isnt supported. On other games I get good fps and picture quality, but on this it looks naff and has a naff fps.

Maybe its time to upgrade?


TyrX, how on earth do you get such a high fps with a Duron 850? No offence, but they seem like pretty slow processors, but your fps is really good.

I did forget to mention, I took my fps readings as the server, not a client.


UseTheForce, your rig is similar to mine and you get similar performance - glad to know mine isnt working too badly.


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n00b here.




I don't know what my FPS is beacuse I don't know the console command to show fps. My FPS in CS is 30-60.


Duron 900


32MB TNT2 <-- BLEH! hopefully i'll have a better one soon :D


i run it at 1024x768

16-bit everything, everything on LOW, and it still sucks. any way to make it better w/o new hardware? oh and the command to SHOW the friggin FPS too.. heh


don't even think about flaming me beacuse i'm a no0b.


. O_o





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I don't know the command to show FPS... I think it's draw_fps, but I could be wrong. I don't use it anyway- I use a program called Fraps, which you can download here. It'll show your FPS in any Direct-X-based game, and doesn't take too much RAM.


Anywho, that's odd how you have to set everything on low. I have a 64mb graphics card, but an inferior processor- I have everything maxed out, except shadows, which I keep simple. 1024x768, 32-bit everything. 30-60 FPS. Maybe you should try closing any programs you're running before playing? Disabling anti-virus software?

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E Raven



This is the command to show FPS in the console (Shift + ~):


seta cg_drawFPS "1"


1 toggles it on, 0 toggles it off.


If you can afford it, I would recommend upgrading to at least a 64 MB video card (whatever brand you want) not just for JO, but for all games that are coming like CS: CZ, UT 2002, etc.


I am curious to know, has anybody got the new GeForce 3/4 Ti 128 MB card (it's like $400 US dollars)?


If so, is it worth it?


Can you have AA on and still get like 100 fps?


That's what I am looking for (for no good reason ;)).


I am thinking about getting it... But is it worth it?

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p3 1 ghz geforce 3 256 mbs ram


JK2: 1024x768, all effects turned up except for texture detail which is just at high.


41 fps in timedemo with JK2FFA demo.


Quake3: 1024x768, all effects all the way up.


68 fps in timedemo.


JK2 is a bitch.

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i hate it when people say "damn i have a fps of 40." I mean can you tell the difference between 40 and 70. i mean the human eye cant tell the difference of anything above 60 fps. i mean 20 fps is okay with me, as long as my gameplay is smooth and not jittery.


so 60 fps and 200 fps is pretty much the same. Only a humming bird can tell the difference.

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its nice to have fps of 100 tho.... mind to tell me where can i find the openGL tab and turn off vertical sync somewhere in nvidia tab? all i can find in the properties menu are color management and other bs tabs. i simply cant find something that says anything to turn off vertical sync.

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Go to your display properties (using whatever OS you have; Control Panel) and under SETTINGS hit ADVANCED.


If you have a GeForce Nvidia card, the next dialogue box that pops up is the specific tweaking utility that has the Color Management tab and other tabs for the Nvidia card itself.


One of those tabs should be for the exact card you have. In my case it says GeForce2 MX 400.


Click on that and then the ADDITIONAL PROPERTIES button which brings up yet another dialouge box that that contatins more tabs for Anti-Aliasing, Direct 3D and OpenGL, etc.


Click on OpenGL and there is a bunch of combobox menus that allow you to specificy and/or override certain default settings.


One of these settings allows you to have VERTICAL SYNC on or off.


I have mine set to always OFF since other games I play also recommend it (the logic being if that your FPS should = your refresh rate. The problem with that is what if you have a lesser refresh rate for your desktop versus what a specific game requires to run smoothly?).


Make your changes to these combo boxes and then hit SAVE AS and exit out. You should restart your computer to make sure the changes take effect.


In addition, make sure to also use the SETUP menu in JK II under the MORE VIDEO settings category to also disable Vertical Sync in both SP and MP.


Also, the reason one should strive for as many FPS as possible (60+) is not only does the game run smoother - especially, in MP - But it is much healthier on the eyes (higher refresh rate is ALWAYS more healthier when playing video games) AND the more constant an image you have, it allows you to react faster since your brain isn't subconsciously trying to "fill in the missing pieces" of lower FPS.

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SP anywhere from 80-200


MP anywhere from 40-85


1.1 Ghz AMD Athlon

64MB GeForce 2 MX400




High for both


32-bit Texture Depth

16-bit other thing



V Sync off


Even though it is behind from most other people, it sure as hell gets the job done.

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Yep, the problem is the Voodoo isnt supported. In my experience, it can be quicker than a Geforce 2 MX (I have both), but in JK2 it is awful in comparison.


Use the Force - I always close programs before running, thanks for the info on your system, I am getting to the bottom of the JK2 performance issues now :D


Cheers everyone else. I should be getting the 1.2BHz chip soon, but with the Voodoo things will still look crap and run slow. In a month or so when I get some cash together I will go for a Geforce - its not just the speed of these cards - its the support for them which is making them look gr8 right now.

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If you use ICQ or Trillian while online (not sure about the other messengers) you'll get your bandwidth and CPU processes eaten up.


I have a p4 2.4 gig, 1 gig DDR, SB Audigy, GF 4 4600, etc.


I also have a DSL 1.5 mb connection.


Using those kinds of programs really hurt benchmarks and game performance - even in single player, which leads me to believe these programs hog up the CPU cycles for some reason.


Also, if you get low FPS .. it could very well be due to the server being overly strained and not able to update - often because everyone is using a really high rate setting.


If you want better FPS on a server that is crowded or seems to be getting hit pretty hard, try this:


shift ~ = console

rate 10000 = lowers rate, and may make your FPS jump up.


That's 10000 as in 4 zero's.

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Originally posted by Reiver

SP anywhere from 80-200



what the..... 200?!?!?!!!!!


btw, in my case, it says GeForce2 MX 400 too but in the ADDITIONAL PROPERTIES menu, it only has a selection to choose what antialiasing mode u want and on the other tab, there is nothing i can do cause the fields are all unselectable(greyed out)

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Originally posted by normal

You guys complain waaay too much, I get 10-25 FPS in 640x480.

Do I complain about that? No, because it really dosn't bother me. You guys should learn to appreciate what you do have.


its not that i dont treasure what i have, its just that i do not want to waste the money i spent on the video card and i want to get the best out of it.

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If you still have the file, try reinstalling them. I didn't know you had XP. Hmm if that doesn't get the tab to come up, find the CD that should have come with the card, and try reinstalling those. If not, I dunno what to do.

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