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Yoda/Ewok solution


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1) Softimage costs $495 if you're a student.


2) GLA, much like GLM, is a proprietary format. Having softimage won't help as long as there's no plugin/tools to handle it released.


3) No comment is a comment stating that you do not wish to comment on the topic. Yes the press sure can print "so and so said, 'no comment' when asked about yada yada" Though they're not writing a narrative so they'd more likely say "So and so refused to comment on yada yada."


3a) It's very stupid to waste board space typing "no comment" to a post like that.

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no comment is an oxymoron...and yes i know i for one, would love to have the whole world quit playing head games, and just blurt out whatever they have to say.


No you don't have to get me anything, really, that's not necessary.


birthday rolls around


Well what the hell, why didn't you get me anything?



it gets old...it's like the people who just utterly refused to tell that guy that did the jango pajamas skin, he needed to never touch an art form of any kind ever again.


it's harsh, but i believe it would help the world immesurably.

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