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Who other than me hated the GB maps?

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Looks like the maps newbies use to make. 90% fixed force, and it's not even a creative FF line, it's just "travel down a path defeating enemies and then something scripted happens in the end". The scenario contest thingies on the CD are even worse.


My advice: Don't buy CC for the campaigns, but if you're a scenario designer or a multiplayer-game lover.

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Don't say they're bad unless you show us something you've done better. Go and look at the TPM Campaign by SCN Punk people. It's class.


I have, and considering those people do it for free, I think the LEC people should be able to come up with something way better than that when they even do it for a living..

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Hm... I don't know, I quite like the campaigns on the CC disk. Although every iteration of the AOE/K engine has had poor campaigns... but they do get better every time. Having said that, I don't know that the campaigns themselves are really any worse than the Starcraft/C&C ones... they just lack the pretty "reward videos". Which is a shame.

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Clone Campaigns is great!!


It improves Galactic Battlegrounds a hundred times over, and not to mention the two new civilizations, there's such great units as acklays, reeks, nexus, and moveable power cores (power droids). Being in control of the Confederacy, you are a female Chiss Dark Jedi, with a yellow saber, and some Mara Jade-like red hair. She commands legions of Super Battle Droids, Geonosians, and Zam Wessel. The Confederacy also includes such heroes as Count Dooku, Jango Fett, and more. With some Hailfire droids that can blow Republic gunships and Jedi Starfighters out of the air, the Confederacy is a force to be reckoned with. Yet, the Republic has pros of its own, with gunships, starfighters, legions of clone troopers, and heroes like Mace Windu, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Yoda armed with lightsaber. The campaigns are basically the same as Galactic Battlegrounds, with new missions and units of course, though there are new upgrades to the game, such as Jedi replenish health, and each civilization enjoys a unique fortress bonus.

The Scenario Editor boasts great new units, including Hutts, Nikto, Quarren, and more. And, you can create whole Tusken camps, with females and children! Not to mention great buildings and creatures like Jabba's Palace, Sailbarge, and the Saarlac.


Ever wanted a RTS game whit every starwars unit?


Buy this one!!!

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I found the CIS one to be quite boring and easy (except for the last two scenerios they were ok). And I thought that the first Republic one was a joke (you dont have to do anything, your ally does it for you), but the ones after that were quite good. However, i found that the ones that came with the game weren't high quality or very good, though havent tried the Ewok adventure.

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