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Binding backstab


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Cal Gon, be quiet I could still probably beat you, name the server.


Lord Sokar, YOU must be pitiful, if you think anger management classes could curb the desire to take human life.


I'm real impressed by your INSANE hand eye coordination, and the ability to press and click buttons in brilliant timing. Yes, "skill".


Dogbert, the thing is I've already tried that many times, and I've the pullstab down pat, it doesn't translate in MP though.


I've never played quake multiplayer, and I have no desire to, so STFU.

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Originally posted by VaderJM

How is using one key, gimpier than 2. It's more reliable. I can pull it off, just not as often as I'd like.

Luc Solar, trace my IP, get my address, come to my house, please. I will kill you. I'll save you some time, I'm in Hawaii.


Okay, you seem to be a bit confused. The ones who flamed you did not mean that you are really homosexual or that we'd like to kill you in real life. What we are saying is:


You, sir, want to cheat in a computer game against other people. Cheating means that you are able to to things using less skill/effort than the rest of us. We do not like that. Cheating is not fair.


Get it? :rolleyes:



..."it's more reliable"... ROFL! :D :D

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I think we're about done here. Too much flaming going on, and you won't get your answer from these forums. And the difference between pressing one button and two buttons will not make a difference if your ping is so high. Regardless, I pulled the backstab off twice on a non-dedicated Australian server three days ago. It isn't difficult.


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