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Your Thoughts on GHOUL2

Djinn Altis{S}

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I personally think the new commands that have been discovered in MP are awesome, they make the saber combat more fluid. Although I love these commands, I do not like the new "Fan's Version" going around, they added too much lame stuff in my opinion. What do all of the rest of you think?



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Oh I just thought, I think that they shouldnt add the double sided saber till someone makes all new moves for the double sab, I also think they need to make the double sab a new saber stance selectable only to dark side users, and they also shouls make a unique light side saber stance, one such as that of Dooku (yes i know hes dark side lol)

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sounds like the only way to really experience saber dueling. you cant get by with just one or two moves with ghoul2, you'll actually have to use EVERYTHING you have to beat your

opponent(s) in an even more intelligent way than pull/backstab and kick can ever be.


unfortunately most servers wont bother with it, and an authentic duel experience will be hard to find.

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I had the ghoul2 setting on my server for a few days and I didn't like it. It did slow things down and I think my server can't handle it (P2 400mhz). I will be upgrading my server soon so I may try it again with the new server.


But my first reaction to was that the sabers were not as lethal and the heavy stance is weakened too much with ghoul2. Battles took longer and it seemed like more people were relying on kick and throw.

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My server is a ghoul2 server. I really like the way it makes the saber battles more exciting. Just look for [sotS] Ghoul2 Server next time. We do have some custom maps on it tho. And even if I have autodownloading on people never stay.:( Oh well.

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Ghoul 2 Collision detection rocks... don't think it weakens heavy too much, the same things apply to aiming your strikes as always, these are the determinants that make heavy still my choice at the business end of finishing off opponents, and it's done much better with this setting on... Works well with the new patches (1.03a, 1.04u) as well and hope that ppl catch on!!!


Any chance of people commenting on the new 1.04u??? 1.03a seems excellent for me so far, the restriction on turning through backstabs and stuff make them far less attractive finishers now... Although the moves are still way too blockable in general and duels are still long range affairs, or very long time-wise...

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I like ghoul2 I think it betters your skills if you like to backstab a lot. It gets you out of the backstab habbit and into just trying to swipe at your oppenent. I like it because it makes duels more enjoyable and you can't spam bs.

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