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scripts..are bad..mmmkay..

Dark Begger

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Originally posted by VaderJM

Wait, so ewok are you saying I'm cheating, or not cheating. I never thought of it as cheating, and only tried it once, but if it can be thoroughly deemed as such, I'd stop using it.

Never saw the original thread so I'm not sure what scripts you were talking about. The bottom line though is if you are unable to do it on your own without the script, I would have to say yes.


Here comes the funny part though.


I don't really have a problem with cheating.


You want to run around using a script, wall hack, aimbot whatever, fine.

Just don't run off at the mouth and play it off as if you were not using a script.


If you are playing and someone asks you (respectfully) to chill with the script, there is no harm done in complying.


As for the OMFG YOU LAME! @#$%^&* Responses you will receive....


People who are unable to address others in a respectful manner deserve no respect themselves.

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I agree with Homosexual Ewok in that if a script gives you an unfair advantage by doing something that otherwise would be humanly impossible, then yes it is a cheat.


However, not all scripts are cheat.


Let's take everyone's favorite game - Counter-Strike - Who we've all played once (and possibly play in conjunction with JO and other games; there's a concept!) who encourages players to use scripts to buy weapons and also to fire those weapons in ways that normally wouldn't be ass effective as if you did it manually.


The first part, buying weapons, is not considered a cheat. It simply automates the process and gets you out of the spawn faster. And those who play the game don't consider buy-scripts cheats as well. Therefore, it is accepted widely as and any skilled CS player worth their weight knows how to use them.


However, the second one is where debate happens and that is like using a script to fire the AWP (one shot kill weapon akin to BS in JO) faster by switching to another weapon (and firing again) or zooming in twice with one button press instead of two.


The latter is what is happening in JO right now (and has always been and will be debated in other games like QIII and future games).


Personally, I think that JO is very different from CS and binding moves that you should be able to do on your own takes less skill than actually learning how to perform the move yourself -- and most importantly, perform it well.


To recap, I don't think scripts/scripting is "illegal" or cheats per se...


But I think that it depends on A) What it is being used for (does it give an unfair advantage?) and B) Whether it is an accepted method by those playing the game as a whole (the community).


BTW... The way I get out of a saber lock is to keep tapping the jump button so even if I loose, they can't knock me down and I'm already in the air (using force jump) if they try BS or even a regular swing :)

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Meh...Too lazy to read the thread so I'll just Bs(Not backstab) and if this was said before, chances are I'm not sorry.




1.) Binding a 2 button move...


2.) Posting about how to bind a move thats been claimed to ruin the game and make statigy take a backseat to lameness...


3.) Darth...


4.) Need sleep...


5.) Damn, I'm still typing....


6.) Why can't I stop...


7.) There I stoped...


8.) DAmnit I didnt stop...


9.) While I'm still here I should say that if you have to bind it your using it too much...


adios, No really!

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Originally posted by VaderJM

Thanks JaraDaj and Sutek.


Nax, other than Tribes, I never played multiplayer FPS.


I don't catch undertones, or hidden meanings in posts, especially when they're not there. You just wanted to look good by flaming somebody.



And you're just trying to look good fabricating a pious innocent upper road. It's not working.


There. You can count that one. That's one flame against you. You can't find any sort of flames anywhere else in my posts, so I must just be trying to look good by flaming you?


The fact of the matter is, there were no flames in my posts. You've flamed more than anyone else on on this thread, and without just cause. My posts had a skeptical tone to them, as I was skeptical as to how you were somehow justified in replying as you did. I am now less skeptical and more certain that you are in the wrong here.




P.S. Man I loved Tribes. Too bad Tribes2 kind of sucked. How long did you play for?

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pull/backstab has two lines of defense in my opinion. well three but the third one is rare. once you know what they are doing, flip on the absorb. their constant attempts should keep you up on force. if they do pull you, flip on the protect. keeps you alive. the third happened when i had heavy stance: the bloke pulls me in mid swing and killed himself. satisfying to say the least. anyway, you know you have one up on them anyway because in the end they are little pantywastes that suck @$$ at this game anyway.

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