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taun we model

yoda rox

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hmm that neck would require a couple more bones to move correctly (which would be rejected by carcass along the way) and the head is not at the same place as the facial bones.


Very weird stuff would happen to the mesh. When its not in the right position, it tears open and gets pretty messy.


i'll try to add a tall neck to a model and see what happens...



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm, you might actually be able to do this on the JO skelaton.


The thin arms and legs and torso (they are thin, right?) can all be done easily. It's just like removing meat off the bones. As for the long head and neck, well, why can't you just have like a normal human neck, make the head mesh actually a PART of the neck, then have an extention on top of the head mesh which leads to the head? Might look a wee bit silly as he bobs around, but you could do it. Maybe similar to how Desann's head isn't that of a human... he's got that big mouth and face coming off to the front. Can't you do the same concept but going upwards instead of going out to the front?


Maybe Yaeral Poof is more along the lines of this. I haven't seen one of those Kamino dudes in a while.

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I could do with help finding some profile and back shots of these two fellas(especially Lama Su) - any help would be much appreciated.

Might just model them anyway for fun until an in game solution materialises. Not promising anything, but I think they would be fun to get to grips with.


cheers :amidala:



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J4k_54L4d (did I spell that right)I don't know where any back and side shots are but I will look for them.Kent H I only saw shots of him from the neck up so I did'nt know that he had four arms. OCH I argee

he is'nt as cool as a Kamionian but I thougt he may be a Kamionian because of his neck.

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