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Need some help with music!


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Okay. How are you all? Good? Good.


I need someone that's got a knack with music to help me out, join my team, as it were.


Just note though - I'm not making computer games.


I'm making something... rather unique. My website's going to be at http://nightlight.grimfandango2.com


Anyone skilled in the art of making mood music, and is willing to help me out (the most I'll need is one piece a week), please let me know. You'll get a free copy of the finished product. :)

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Yeah, but what's the point of being terribly mysterious if nobody cares? :)


What I've made is a complete 10 part radio series. It's called 'Tierra de los Muertos' (or translated from Spanish, 'Land of the Dead').


I need someone to do some mood music for a couple of the scenes.


Someone please reply. :)

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