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WIP: Duel Frogger


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Actually, I found them!

I now have some nice plush chairs in my Limo!

Sorry, it's not really much of a bus, but it certainly is big enough:D.

I won't make it enterable, because I just remebered that one thing would have to change. My floor in the passenger compartment, and the floor in the pilot section don't line up right.


I'll go add the entrance(it's just there so you know where people come in) and send it to you(yup, it's that far, never would have noticed it, would you? :D)!





:emperor: I shall rule the galaxy.

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one thing to keep in mind with that bus prefab. If it's gonna be func_trained around the map, then you can't put any other entities on the bus, like func_doors (to make it enterable). If you were to make the doors, func_doors, and the bus a func_train, then they'd be 2 separate entities and the bus would move, but the doors would stay in one spot on the map and not move around the map with the bus. The only way to make the bus enterable would be to leave the doors constantly open and not make them func_doors at all.


Also if i'm getting this right, you're planning on putting character models in the bus right? Well those will all have to be connected to a func_train individually as well since they're not actually part of the bus, Then DBZ will have the same problems with those models as he is with the other vehicles models he's trying to use.

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Oh ok, I reread that, you want models of the chairs and what not. Well, you'd still have to take into consideration the same thing I said before, if you put models in the bus, they will not be part of the bus and will need their own func_train and path_corners to follow and you'd still be having the problem of not getting them to face the right way when it turns, not to mention the problems of doing all that and getting them to stay in the same spot in the bus. That'll be enough to drive anyone crazy.


You should just make the whole thing out of brushes and patches, nothing more.

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i did it i worked on the bus! arg i hate this bus any way don't expect much from it as i said im busy with other projects, to give my full attention to it sry, that and i hate this bus, but i will finish it and it will be decent and look good!!!

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I wanna see the pics vio, I'm sure it looks great

Also dbz if chrono hasn't contacted you look for someone else, It's been a long time with the halt of these models needing turning. It's funny b/c the map was gonna go beta 2 weeks ago!


Lets get this puppy rolling down the hill!

/me pushes a stuborn dog down a hill and the dog doesn't move

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Listen, you may kill me, but I don't care.

Circumstances beyond my control have popped up recently, and I've done no work since sunday.

But it doesn't really matter, because it done.

Except for one, annoying, impossible, and really, really, tough detail.


I can' make a good looking, brush chair.

At least, good at making it comfortable looking.

And it's a limo, it has to be comfortable.

I'm sorry, if someone wants to do some good, comfortable looking chairs, your more then welcome to.

I can send the bus to you now if you want, but it won't have any chairs.

I can't make the chairs, so maybe you can...





:emperor: I shall rule the galaxy.

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Originally posted by GoldenFrog

:eek: :eek: :eek: YOU ARE SOOOO CLOSE TO 1000 POSTS!!!!!

Who, me?


I'm not making the map, divided is...



Anyways, where is he anyway?

I've been gone for a few days, and find that nothing has ben done to the map, even though I've already sent in my luxury bus.


You really should think about working on that divided, people are expecting it.





:emperor: I shall rule the galaxy.

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Not sure what happened, seems my count refuses to go back up.

And I don't remember deleting any posts...



Anyway, that's not important now, what's important is that divided seems to have joined Antilles and disappeared.

Anyone who has information leading to the discovery of Divided and Antilles will be rewarded either 100 post counts, 20 dollars, or good grace and five Grets points(which are worth future help wherever I can give it)





:emperor: I shall rule the galaxy.

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Sorry about my disapearance. Was grounded. Anyway, here's the plan and status report.


I'm thinking finding someone to do the models (and then them actually doing what they'd said they'd do) is not likely. I'm changeing my plan to useing only prefabs (i think there should be enough of them).


I've tweaked textures a lot, and lighting is looking better, but still needs some work.


Regretfully, i'll be gone for 4 days, but i'm takeing a laptop with me and will be working on the prefab implamentation. I'll let you know when i get back.

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