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'Republic Gunship, second republic unique unit?' - The poll expansion

Darth Windu

Should the Republic Gunship be the second republic unique unit?  

39 members have voted

  1. 1. Should the Republic Gunship be the second republic unique unit?

    • Yes - Gunship
    • No - Gunship
    • Yes - Jedi Starfighter
    • No - Jedi Starfighter

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This is the poll for my thread with the same name (except the poll bit). Here we can show Lucasarts the amount of support for making the Republic Gunship the second unique unit, assuming it can be done without unbalancing anything. I was also thinking about the proposition that the Jedi Starfighter should be a little more expensive or take a little longer to build, but have normal fighter weapons.


so the questions are-

"Should the Republic Gunship be made the second Republic unique unit?"

"Should the Jedi Starfighter have normal fighter weapons with a longer build time and/or larger cost?"


When you vote, please vote yes or no to BOTH questions.

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Originally posted by Sithmaster_821

It does fire at about half the rate. I didnt see much of a difference between the two so I voted no. (Is all you want to get rid of the blue missile thingy, cause that is just cosmetic, why would you pay more for that?)


Well actually i kind of like the blue missile, but i think it should not have that firing delay. So i guess what i want is fighter weapon with higher attack, different graphics and longer reload. But the delay seems pointless because as someone already said in another thread there are plenty of detector units.

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"People who are suggesting this things don't care about the game, they only want it to look as in the movie. Just leave it as it is."


Well people who are suggesting that there should be more races in another expansion dont care about the game, they only want it to look cosmetically different. Just leave it as it is.


Sithmaster - this Jedi starfighter change would give it the weapons of an advanced fighter.


Everyone - remember that when voting, it is for the inclusion of the Repbulic gunship as the second republic unique unit 'AS LONG AS IT CAN BE BALANCED'.

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The Republic Gunship should be the UU and the Jedi Starfighter should be something like the A-wing, where you have to research that first. I voted yes to Gunship! I wan the Gunship, it should be faster than an air cruiser have about half the firepower of an Air Cruiser.

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Originally posted by Sithmaster_821

Darth, no offense, but your two ideas (separate repeater troopers and gunships as UU) deserve this treatment.


I don't know about the gunships as UU idea, but the seperate Rpt. Troopers is a good idea. They're a tad too powerful and cheap (as in cost), in my opinion

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I'd give a go ahead on the gunship if it's balanced out as discussed in the earlier thread (ie no shields but armourable, low carrying capacity, slower than fighter, decent hps, decent ground attack but little or no AA, etc). The whole upper end version where the gunship is viewed as a less-powerful version of the air cruiser though is just silly. That's what the air cruiser is for! :p



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Revan - no, you have the wrong idea. The Gunship would have speed and range inbetween the fighter and bomber, have the armour of a bomber, be able to carry 2 infantry units, and would have a fairly good attack. It would also have a VERY limited anti-air capability. In other words, it would be very different from any existing air unit.

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Then it wouldn't fit the movies that you've used as the basis of your arguement. They didn't need fighter support to take out air units. Read my post in your other thread about individual purpose for air units, and how gunships are very much like fighters with different weapons


Also stopspammingthe board with threads about the same thing but guised as something different. I count three on the gunship and two on the trooper idea. Try to contain your thoughts to one thread per idea.

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It seems your plethora of threads has drained this moronic idea of all followers (thats why you are desperately trying to bump it). All your poll proves is that you can work multiple logins. And you are spamming. You could have used the amount of positive posts as a judge of how popular/unpopular your idea was. No need for three threads.

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"All your poll proves is that you can work multiple logins" - i do not appreciate being the victim of slander here or anywhere else. I have one identity on this board, and i would never rig a poll to get what i want. The community has voted in support of this idea, get over it and get on with your life.

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The community has voted in support of this idea

You are aware that the community doesnt equal 14 people who bothered going into a thread named "Gunship UU: the poll expansion". Only people who are in support of such an idea would enter a thread like this, thus the majority in support of the idea. If you put the question to the true community, then it is doubtful that the idea would get more votes than it already has. Also, people who aren't in support of this idea and do enter this thread may not be willing to waste their time loading the results of the thread, and not vote. These sort of polls have a huge margin of error.

i do not appreciate being the victim of slander

Nor does anyone else so if you cant take it, dont dish it out.

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sithmaster - i have never committed slander against anyone else. Also, it would be impossible to tell what the entire community would vote for, since the entire community isnt going to vote. The only thing we can go by are the current results, and from them it would seem that the gunship idea currently has the support of 81% of the people whom have voted.

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Originally posted by Darth Windu

The only thing we can go by are the current results, and from them it would seem that the gunship idea currently has the support of 81% of the people whom have voted.


So assuming we were to go by what we kniw from this poll AND from people's posts, then there are results highly different from your poll. Although until recently only 3 people actually voted no, in this thread alone there are 4 definate no's. Then another person recently voted no, which I am assuming is not one of the people who posted no long ago or they would have voted then. So now it's 5 for no. Then we must take posts from the second of your several threads. D'blee says that he originally was in support of your idea but changed his mind. So (assuming he voted) take one off yes and put it on no. Now it ends up as 12 to 6 without even counting the vocal minority concept that I have been trying to get into your head throughout the Before posting-check thread. J-5 Also posted against this idea in your other thread, so there are a total of (at least) 7 people who bothered to come into your threads and vote or say no. I say at least because I am assuming that all 3 original votes for no were accompanied by a post for no, therefore getting only 2 more no posts and 1 converting sides post. If they weren't, then of course there would be even more people against this idea.


It is 12 to 7, 12/19, 63%, from what we can gather from these threads which are very likely still skewed in your favor. Remember vocal minorities?


And it is incredibly amusing how you cry to the mods that you are being slandered.

"So sithmatser, you cant win an argument, and the community obviously disagrees with you on both of these issues, so you go running to daddy to get them deleted?"

Look familiar? You have no problem accusing others of "running to daddy" but now that you are getting stuff said back to you, you make repeated cries of "stop slandering me" and "leave the insults off the board" in the hopes that DMUK will see it. Let me guess, it was you who went "running to daddy" about my signature? And no, the other posters do not see you as the mature person against the mean cruel kiddies, because you are not an innocent victim. You can hardly be innocent when you started the insulting in the first place, bringing every insult you get upon yourself. Like D'blee said, you are being a hypocrite when you freely insult others and whine when insults are used on you. But you, of course, not knowing what the word means, made a reply that made no sense whatsoever and finished by admitting that you had no idea what he was talking about. You do not "fail to see" that you are being a hypocrite, you fail to see what hypocrisy means and you make a fool out of yourself. Perhaps you should keep a Kindergarten Dictionary handy when you post in these forums.

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All quotes from Webster's New Word Dictionary

hypocrite-one who pretends to be pious, virtuous, ect., without really being so

recon(short for reconnaissance)-the survey of a region, esp. for obtaining military information about an enemy

slander-the utterance of a falsehood that damages another's reputation.

'Nuff said

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