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Vampire Hunter D player model made. Help wanted with everything else!


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I have just made my first player model. His name is D. He looks

cool. Only one problem..... I don't know how to get the model

around the root.xsi thing. I don't even know how I'm gonna get

the textures into a file folder since I modified them with 3ds Max

4. I don't even know how to animate him. I need help with all

of this stuff. I did get his required number of body parts right

though. Well, take a look at these pictures and see if any of you

out there want this model.











If any of you do want the model, it comes with 2 different .max

files. The first version is the one that shows it in the final stage

with everything attached as it should be. The second version has

all of the parts as separate pieces so it will be easier to modify

them. I think the model might need to be optimized a bit. But

I don't know how to test the number of polys it has in all.

Oh, one more thing, on the closeup of D's back you'll see the

scabbard thing his sword goes in. In the .max file, you can

actually remove that sword and use it for something else.

Whether you wish to modify the model or not, in either case,

you get a free sword to go with it that you did not have to make.

Well, I hope you like what you see.

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All i see is desanns uperbody and lukes lower body meshed together along with a custom head and hat. :rolleyes: Really you should mention this, kind of sad when people steal others peoples model parts and not say. In this case ravens.. thats all i have to say.

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I guess I did need to mention that part. Well, you can all piss


off anyway for all I care. I am not very good at modeling an


entire body. I really don't care about your opinions. And quite


frankly Tap[RR]. You shouldn't be so picky about such things.


What models have you made?

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Originally posted by Tap[RR]

All i see is desanns uperbody and lukes lower body meshed together along with a custom head and hat. :rolleyes: Really you should mention this, kind of sad when people steal others peoples model parts and not say. In this case ravens.. thats all i have to say.


so does everyone else, they just edit them more :rolleyes:


looks good but would look better if his body was more armored, it looks way too skinny


good job so far though

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Well thank you Remark 666. I'll keep that in mind. In fact,


you can be the first to have the .max files and modify them


the way you see fit. I'll even put artwork pictures of what he


should look like on some more links. That is, if you want the


the .max files.

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pictures would be great (so other people can see how he looks and tell you what to fix..or something)


no thanx, these days I have no time for that, I had to write a tutorial on animating hair for one of the models.........still didn't :(


looks promising though (damn, I wish someone would do Gatts from Berserk)

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Well excuse me for telling the truth, oh and remark, not everyone edits other models, you should know that by now. Jesus.. damn newbies everywhere, :rolleyes: so next time you flame me, put some intelligence into it, please. ;) Also i cant model right now, since my voodoo 5 wont let me render anything with xp so until i get a new video card i cant show off some work ;(. Oh well, now to comment on the skin, since it shouldnt really be called a model IMO, looks nice, just get a good skinner to redo desanns chest plate and lower luke body and you should have a perfect vampire d. :p

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I am a huge Vampire Hunter D fan, along with most anime, I have both the movies, are you going to make the original move skin and the new D skin, or just the new D from blood lust. THe bigest problem I see is the cape is in front of the arms. When he moves his hands they will clip through the cap also, both D's caps (old and new) seem to enclose his body untill he throws them back, maybe I'm just to picky =)


Great work sofar, even though you dod use 2 other models, but its overall coolness!



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Originally posted by Tap[RR]

so next time you flame me, put some intelligence into it, please. ;)


was that to me ?? if you call my post a flame (or even the other guys) then you have virgin ears cauze that's not flame, that's just responding to your post in annoyance ;) (is that even a word ??lol)

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Dude, i dont care if you used the other models for a starting point, that still kicks ass. And did you texture it too? Anyway it looks awsome bro! the cape and sword are cool:) I'll definatley download it.

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Thanks for defending me Dark_One. And just to let you know


Tap[RR], despite your pathetic excuses which I don't care


about, you are forgiven for that slander... this time. And thanks


to DarthDarth and the rest of you out there who said the


model's good. I've already modified the model greatly since


this discussion. And DarthDarth, I modified the body to look like


the one from BloodLust. And speaking of other things having


to do with Vampire Hunter D DarthDarth, you'll be happy to know


that once I finish with this model I'll go on to make the Mier Link


player model. I also have a third model planned to be made.


It's from a sketch in one of my stories from the Vampire Hunter


D prequel I'm making. It's about the story of Dracula, the Vampire


King and D's father.

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I haven't gotten into modeling, I have done my share of skinning, but I would love to learn how to model, I'm getting my new PC soon, so maybe I can start there...


So you edited it? Big deal it still looks great, I wouldn't complain about anything, honestly his body is about the right side, maybe a bit, just a lil bigger, not much, cause D is infact extremely boney.

I think it looks great dude, more power to you, I look forward to it. I know if I were to begin modeling, well when I do, I'm sure I am going to start off by editing a model.



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Originally posted by Dark_One

Tap[RR] leave him alone. He did a fine job. And don't give us that **** that you can't do it because of your videocard. If you could make a model it would be a sphere with eyes. So beat it.


Nice first model VampireHunterD.



Umm, until you get a voodoo 5 on xp, then you have no right to say that. Unless of course your putting it as an insult which most of you have been doing, please can we grow up a little guys? Put a hold on the cursing it makes you sound pretty dumb. I can explain my voodoo 5 problem, you see its simple, voodoo 5 doesnt have drivers for xp or directx8.1 therefore i cannot render anything like milkshape it crashes my computer on the spot :( . Oh well i guess ill have to reformat or get a new card, anyways, less hostile guys, your too hostile.

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