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Need Help!


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Im planning to cover Jedi Knight 2 on my site, Now all I need are:


Public Relations Manager- Someone who manages the site's relations with other websites.


News UPdater- someone who search for news about JK2 and posting them on the site.


Skinners (about 7 skinners) - do skins for JK2


Modders (About 7) - do mods for JK2


Mappers (about 7) - do some maps for JK2




if you are interested, go to http://strategyx.modszone.com/main.php?page=jobs

or if you want you can contact me




here's the URL of the site http://strategyx.modszone.com

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hmmmm...i wouldnt mind being a mapper, considering i made many kick ass maps for unreal tournament. HOWEVER i would not have as much free time considering i start college in the fall. And my schedule is gona be somewhat like this: sleep late...class...eat....girls...JK2 and AVP2....girls...sleep...repeat(except on fridays and saturdays include partying and camping on the weekends...)

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