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Is Palpatine a clone?

ET Warrior

Is Palpatine the Clone of Darth Sideous?  

22 members have voted

  1. 1. Is Palpatine the Clone of Darth Sideous?

    • Yes
    • No

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I def. think it makes sense'!


I mean, what else COULD be the relation between them? They cant be the same person because im sure he doesnt have some instant traveling gadget or something :D


But yeah, It HAS to be a clone... In Ep1/2(/3?) you see palpantine ALL the time! but in Episode 4/5/6 he is suddenly dissapeared and noone talks about him... What happened with him? I personally think people cought up with his sceme and killed him in Episode 3.... but then there was still the clone(sidious) for ep4/5/6



I dunno, makes sense to me....

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when have you ever seen sideous or palpatine off of coruscant? And have you ever seen two scenes in a row where palpatine is one place and sideous is at the other? Because i haven't.............so why would he need an instant travle gadget?


And palpatine is the emperor.....so, yeah.....you do see him in episodes 5 and 6...........

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ok, you might be right.. but still... I think its a clone and im sticking to it :p


Jango made a clone, why cant palpantine do the same? It would be PERFECT for his goal(total domination of the galaxy). What would you do?

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Why do you think Sidious always has someone doing his dirty work. Like: Nute Gunray,Maul,Dooku, Vader ect. Because he has to be in coruscant. He always comunicates via the hologram thing.

He wears his cloak over his face to hide his true identity.

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well, Jango's clone was a LOT younger than him for one.......and he wasn't using Boba to further his goals of glactic dominations..... and i dont see why having a clone would further palpatines goals anyways.....because he's managing just fine by himself............


What i would do, is i would infiltrate the senate...(palpatine did that) Then i would get people to lose faith in the leader of the senate (done) Then, after gaining their trust they would put me in that position (done) Then i would think of some way that they would have to give me emergency powers....(Palpatine started a war)..........i dont see where a clone is needed for any of that....because if you made a clone, and it was as evil as sideous, why would it work for sideous? Wouldn't it try to take all the power for itself, and even betray sideous?

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Originally posted by MotionMan

Why do you think Sidious always has someone doing his dirty work. Like: Nute Gunray,Maul,Dooku, Vader ect. Because he has to be in coruscant. He always comunicates via the hologram thing.

He wears his cloak over his face to hide his true identity.


And that too!

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If Palpatine was a clone, that would be the most retarded thing that could possibly happen to the Star Wars saga, and I would lose what little faith I have left in humanity. That would be like "oh, there's been a secret clone of Anakin the whole time and the clone is actually Darth Vader and he kills Anakin" and blah blah blah, George Lucas just had us tricked into thinking Anakin was Darth Vader. I'm getting a tear in my eye as I think about how lame and pointless some "Palpatine/Sidious showdown" would be for the whole saga. This would replace the intriguing character of Palpatine/Sidious with two sucky characters, one who does nothing but talk to the bad guys and just another one-dimensional "grasping politician" character.

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Originally posted by ET Warrior

ooo, motion man and myself are convincing dudes!


He's all uglified and nasty because of his extensive use of the darkside.....it is destroying his body..the price you pay for being evil.


Actually, all of those facelifts and tucks just came tumbling down. Like Liz Taylor.:D

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Uh, I dont see any way there could be a clone. If there was a clone, wouldnt it have force ability too? Why would it be content to be some politician, under the control of a Sithlord that has the same amount of power as the clone itself. Then theres he age difference. I dont see how it could be plausable, or entertaining. I still have at least that much faith in Goerge not to go and do something that stupid.

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I know this is gonna sound pretty stupid but in the episode iv novel it states that there is two empores of the empire so what if lucas ****s it up and pretends darth sidious and palpatine were twins. I could definately see him doing something stupid like this.:confused::mad:

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I believe Sidious & Palpatine are the same person, but George Lucas has been known for brilliant plot twists - how many people would have predicted Darth Vader was Lukes father b4 the ESB?! I think there will be a similar twist in EPIII - could be this thing were all talkin about Here?!;)

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But making Palpatine a clone.............that reeks of extremely cheesy scifi movies made in some fools garage......i pray that palpatine and sideous are the same person........if George pulls that twist on me......i will scream SO loudly in the theater........:swear:

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