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Absorb? Cheasy Power


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I think absorb should be removed, its totally cheap. You shouldn't


be able to not be affected by force powers. If not removed it


should be atleast tweaked so it doesnt last as long. Thats just


my opinion and plz dont reply with flaming posts. Comments are


welcome, morons are not.



PS: Im not whinning just telling my opinion.

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your overlooking drain.... if absorb is gone then the bloody light side will suxor a whole lot agenst sith guys.... absorb is put up so they both players have to use their saber skills to kill eachother like in episode two when yoda absorbed all of dooku's lightning attacks and dooku said we have to use our saber skills blah blah.


dont whine just pull out your saber and chop his arm off with yur l33t ski||z! :lsduel:

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Originally posted by X R Kun

Methinks Raven should not let players use force powers during absorb. Much like using a ysalmiri. Its very annoying if u cant push a guy when hes gripping/absorb



I Think X R Kun gots a good point, maybe raven should do that.

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what would a yalasalmi be for then?


I don't see any unbalance when it comes to absorb. Without absorb, the darkside is practically the only feasible side to play, unless you want to roleplay. Lightning against a darksider can be drained. What's a lightsider gonna do? Heal?

If you ask me, the lightside is created as a counter to the darkside. It's the defensive side. when 2 lightsiders meet, it quite evens out and has to go down to saber fighting. When 2 darksiders meet, they can circle strafe (something only practical in games) and lightning/grip/drain each other to death.

Then again, if u make an absorber have no chance to use other force powers, than absorb is purely for cancelling out darkside effects without giving any advantage. While darksiders can vulture and lightning or drain, and grip throw the slower reacting people, the lightsider is just standing there.

hey at least absorb isn't reflect or something !! would be nice taking in all the lightning, then unleashing them all back on the darksider.

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In my own opinion,


Absorb is one of the most useful skills for Lightsiders. I know, it does get extremely fustrating when you can't do nothing to him but attack with your lightsaber (or weapon if you are one of those types).


Of course you can wait for him/her to run out of force, because usually they leave it on, and if they don't, catch em with a lightning blast or a push/pull & backstab.


Well, if you can't beat em, find a way to. So well, Use drain on them. I figured that drain gives them no force. So well, just tap your drain button to see if they still have absorb on, and if not, hey, free hp, and less force for them. But hey, that is just me, you may have your style, do share!



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Well I also agree on that absorb should be kept in, many a times it has saved my skin against a lightning/drain freak. And as it's been said, it is part of the nature of the light side for such a power to exist. Remember "A Jedi uses the Force, for knowledge and defence". So it seems natural that they'd absorb an enemy's attack to defend themselves. And besides this.. I can only agree with what my fellow absorb defenders have said.

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.....is way too powerful against Dark Jedis.


I know, because like AB_Legion up above, I too was a darkie until 1.03 came out. Although infinately more fun, when 1-on-1 with a light jedi, a dark jedi does not stand a chance. They just get pulled and backstabbed.


So, im now a light sider, and I find myself (rather annoyingly) beginning to spam the pull/backstab move.


Folk complain, you make an effort to stop, and the same folk that complain pull & backstab you! I mean, WTF?




Oh, yeah, back on topic. Absorb is too powerful. When I first went light, I was surprised at how little force it actually uses to initiate, and how little force it uses when running.


And if some1 grabs you, and you turn absorb on, you get more than 50% of your force pull back almost straight away!


Perhaps absorb should use slightly more force to keep running........

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you are complaining that absorb is abused, and that it gives them a chance for pushing and pulling but even without abosorb on, they can do the same thing. It doesn't help in their offence towards you. It merely defends them.

I also always play dark, until recently when i felt that it was getting pretty lame being a darksider using lightning/drain/grip. It got too easy especially since not everybody in the server knows counters. It did frustrate me when i couldn't do anything with my force when they had absorb on, but that's why i decided to go train my saber and i think i've gotten better...at least i prefer NF servers now.


Imagine is absorb was reduced.

Darksiders would basically be able to use lightning and grip, and drain, on anyone unless they had absorb on. Yet with absorb you are offfering, the lightsider is almost equal to the darksider except that he's wasting force powers. Moreover, if saber throw was introduced, that would mean that the darksider can still use saber throw to deal physical damage while the lightsider cannot.

Once his force runs out, or he switches it off, the darksider, upon knowing so, can use darkside force without restrain.

Protect is used by few. I think it substitutes some force for health, so this isn't exactly very wise to use unless you're about to be hit real hard and you knew it in advance. Mind Trick isn't that great. I have never been killed by a mind tricker. Maybe it's luck. Maybe it's not. Heal is useful, but requires half the force for 30 health if i remember right. A well placed drain can easily give you as much as a Bacta Canister could while removing opponents' force. Effectively, Absorb is a substitute, but more of a counter, for lightning and grip and toning it down is merely making darksiders too powerful. Sure...the darkside is supposed to be enticing. But in MP, we want balance especially since many oppose role-playing and just want to have fun, something not wrong at all. As for making absorb last shorter, it was lengthened by the patch i believe. Why should it be shortened when it's passive in nature and hardly affects anyone except those who try to do something to the absorber? Considering lightning, a powerful force tool, can deal enough damage to kill a player with full health (and probably 25 shields) and has a wide arc requiring no skill in aiming, it's pretty hard to say absorb is overpowered.


How many kills have you gotten thru lightning and grip/throw? How many have you gotten thru usage of absorb?

How many times has drain saved you and given you a certain advantage over your opponent(s)?

How many times has Heal done as much for you?


As they say, just find a counter or a way out. Besides, the push/pull down pits is only as useful in situations where grip is useful. Otherwise, the worst they'd do is spam pull/backswing. But without absorb, you could have gotten that same treatment...that is unless you drain every single player you meet or have absorb yourself.

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Lets look at it like this.


Light Side Powers and the Dark Side Counter


Push countered by Pull


Absorb is a counter to Drain and Lightning.


Pull countered by Push


Backstab countered by GETTING HELL OUT OF THE WAY!!!


I have had no problems with any of these online. I've always been lightside. Heal is next to useless now but I didn't complain. I adjusted. Do the same please :)

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Originally posted by FalloutGod

I think absorb should be removed, its totally cheap.

Originally posted by D.L.

Lets look at it like this.


Light Side Powers and the Dark Side Counter


Push countered by Pull


Absorb is a counter to Drain and Lightning.

Ive only been playin for a few days but 1 thing i have noticed - Absorb is unrivalled by any other force power be it light or dark. Drain doesnt counter absorb. Fact is there isnt a force power that has the potency of absorb making it impossible to play the game how u want to. Dark side has a huge disadvantage because of absorb. A player can maintain absorb indefinately because hes always gonna be pushed/pulled or gripped at some point, filling his force meter. I have to agree with FalloutGod to some degree, removed no, but take some of its potency away yes. Using absorb should consume way more force power.

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IMHO Absorb is perfect atm as fossil25 has explained, If u have a problem with it, turn on your lightsabre and strike down the person who uses it, simple.


Absorb is the whole idea of the light side, no agression just defence and sabre skills, not including the backstab as its cheep and requires zero skill thats why Kal-El does it :p


Once the backstabbing situation has been resolved (patched) then we should look at the force power balances, bcus alot of peepz are blaming the pull force power for the backsweep problem, i personally think pull is fine as it is as i only use it 2 slow peeps down and if im fighting them i pull and hack down at em(very blockable not like backsweep), so i get longer fights rather than dispatch the enemy with the gay backsweep, and if anyones dueled me then they know wot im like. :eyeraise:

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lol...absorb. I don't see why you dark jedi are complaining...does absorb hurt you? no...Then what's the problem? Would you rather have it where you can spam lightning and grip? I see I see...that makes a lot of sense huh? LOL


The only thing I can see it having an advantage right now is used with ah pull/backstab combo, but with fanmod out and numerous other mods out, that is gone..so I think it's evened out again...

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1) Its cheesy, not "cheasy"

2) you can't absorb/grip

3) with all the bitching, its a wonder we can do anything on the servers beyond looking at each other...


Oh, wait, you're monitor is larger than mine, unfair! Raven should make the next patch so that everyone gets to play in a windowed 14" display at 30 fps.



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Several things need to be done to absorb


Drain needs to become half unnerfed so its effective.


Absorb needs to Not be invisible.


Absorb needs to Either


A: cost a hell of alot more


B: Cost over time needs to be a Hell of alot more.


Absorb Effects six other Offensive Force pwrs. Has Absolutly No cost. ANd is a bait trap without anyone even trying anything.


Now ask yourself how fair is that?


Along with absorb ROlling needs to cost atleast a bar of mana.


Do you find yourself rolling around in rl? no a: it hurts B; dont get as far as just walking quickly


This is a roll used by jedi knights. So make rolling take up force pwr. I think thats a big part of how come absorb is so pwrfull


People can lag roll with amunity and even speed cant keep up with them.



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Originally posted by w1ggl3s

Several things need to be done to absorb


Drain needs to become half unnerfed so its effective.


What does that have to do with absorb?


Absorb needs to Not be invisible.


It isn't when its absorbing. It also makes noise--listen for it.


Absorb Effects six other Offensive Force pwrs. Has Absolutly No cost.




Now ask yourself how fair is that?


No offense, but you sound like a frustrated Dark Sider.


Along with absorb ROlling needs to cost atleast a bar of mana.


Oh ffs...

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This is quite hilarious, backstab/sweep was fixed with some mods that came out and now already there are other complaints. Just be quiet already please? This is the worst one of all, because absorb doesn't even hurt you dark siders! I don't see how this gives light jedi an advantage. Way I see it, if there was no absorb you dark siders would have an advantage where you can just lightning a guy to death. It is balanced, with absorb, what is virtually happening is that the light jedi made it so it coems down to saber skills to see who wins. I can't believe you guys are complaining about a NON offensive power. You must have lost things to complain about.

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