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Scripters Help!!!


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well said... i didn't think of it that way. I'd like to see bout that backstab move while in front of an opponant... i'll do that for fun and see.


On the other hand, i still believe a well skilled player would be a script user, 8 out of 10 times. And in other games, such as half-life and it's mods, are much easier to "exploit" using scripts... that's why i stopped playing them altogether.

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Originally posted by JaraDaj

well said... i didn't think of it that way. I'd like to see bout that backstab move while in front of an opponant... i'll do that for fun and see.


On the other hand, i still believe a well skilled player would be a script user, 8 out of 10 times. And in other games, such as half-life and it's mods, are much easier to "exploit" using scripts... that's why i stopped playing them altogether.


CounterStrike, for instance, is in a way more exploitable-via-script, but only tangentially as the reason for the exploitability lies primarily in the fact that the game engine is so freakishly buggy.


I started playing CS by beta1, day one actually. It was great, until beta 5 or so, that's about when it all fell apart, hacks started to flourish and lamers fludded the scene. Way to break a game..

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I admitily do it now.. I got tierd of fighting guys who are pro''s at it like a dood who had the name sith apperntice maul in red letters.. tottaly scripted out.. so im fed up i'll fight fire with fire



p.s im just not good at it i cant even get a stript to do the heavy stance attack quickly :)

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I tried binding the special moves yesterday just to see what all the fuss was about & I don't think it's a big deal as long as you're only scripting moves that you could routinely perform anyway. I have seen where it can be exploited though & it's not very fun.


Here's what I tried (seems a lot simpler than what was posted earlier on this thread for these moves).


Backstab/Backslash – All Stances: bind x "+back; +attack"


Pros: none, unless you have a multiple button pressing deficiency.


Cons: no more than if you did the move manually.


Blue Forward Lunge – Fast Stance: bind x "+movedown; +forward; +attack"


Pros: if performed while running forward, the crouch command won't make you roll.


Cons: no more than if you did the move manually.


Yellow DFA/Twirl – Medium Stance: bind x "+forward; +moveup; +attack"


Pros: none, unless you have a multiple button pressing deficiency.


Cons: no more than if you did the move manually.


Red DFA/Hack – Strong Stance: bind x "+attack; +forward; +moveup" (not the complete move)


Pros: none, unless you have a multiple button pressing deficiency.


Cons: no more than if you did the move manually.


In these scripts I only bound the keypresses that actually start the animation process of each special move & I couldn't find any advantage over pressing the keys manually, with the possible exception of being able to run forward & perform the Blue Forward Lunge with the crouch portion of the command not sending you into a forward roll.


With the Red DFA/Hack I only bound the last three keypresses that actually execute the move. I found if you do the first part of the move manually you have more options as far as aiming, changing your mind, etc. Press attack manually, wait for the tip of the blade to come up level with your head, & then execute the bound key at the same time you would press attack again if you were doing the move manually.


With the exception of the Backstab/Backslash, all these special moves can be done while running forward or while standing still. Since they aren't set in stone from beginning to end with a bunch of wait, wait, wait's they are just as flexible as performing the moves manually since the parts of these commands that are unstoppable are the same parts that are unstoppable when done manually.


I won't use these much anyway because I don't like to move my fingers from my direction/movement keys. I'm a sidestep/slash kind of a guy & don't use special moves very often.


There are a few things I wouldn't mind knowing how to script if anybody knows how though:


1. Is there a way to assign each stance to its own key the same way we do weapons & force powers? I'm tired of seeing the saber do that stupid wiggly jiggly thing while I toggle to the stance I want. Looks retarded.



2. How do you script the premade messages that people put on the screen during matches. "Good Fight!!!", "Nice 1" etc.

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I would like to know how to make the scripts load automatically. I can enter in the scripts but when I leave the game and return I have to reenter them to get them to work. I tried writing them on notebook and naming it autoexec.cgf but it did not load. I also changed the name to script.cgf and tried the exec script.cgf command and it gave me a message like couldn't load script.cgf. What am I doing wrong here?


I am mainly interested in scripting the forward lunge in fast style. Yesterday I spent a few hours in the duel servers and I'd bet at least half of the people I played against had this move scripted. Why put myself at this kind of disadvantage. Therefore I'm gonna go with the scripted move too. Yeah I can do it without the script but if my opponents are doing it with more ease than I will too. Don't like the logic I am using here? Oh well I don't care about your game ethics anyway.

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I'm not sure. The most I've done scripting wise is just playing with binding certain moves to a key. This does seem to stay in the memory though. For the Blue/Fast Forward Lunge try this keybind:


bind x "+movedown; +forward; +attack"


works very well, & you can even do the move while running toward your opponent.

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