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Anyone want to form an anti-assfighting and anti-exploit clan?


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It wouldn't require that you dedicate yourself to it at all - except that you completely believe in not using assfighting, etc.


If you do see the assfighter or cheater, you do what it takes to kill him off - crouch killing, saber throw, etc.


If more than one of us are on a server, we'd dedicate some time to going after the runt. :)


Anyhow, it would just be a fun little clan to form - you could easily be in other clans. It's more of a JK 2 kinda political / ethics group. :)


It doesn't matter if you are jedi, sith, or a weapon user - you can still hate assfighters and assfighting equally.


If you are interested PM me or reply to this thread.


I'll check all the replies and messages after work.


Thanks. :)

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I'm in! Oh boy! LEsz Kiii!!!lll sum azzf!g!-!t3rS!!!

We should create some cool clan-skin too, you know...one with a "exit only" stamp on the butt or something.



Uh, seriously...great idea! I'm 100% with you. (The time-difference is a bit of a problem, though. :( )


All anti-assfighters unite! :D

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Count me in. I just started the game but I sure have experience enought assfighting to think it is nothering but a cheap way to get a kill score. One problem though, if we are fighting ass fighters. Wouldn't we get killed more often than them? They can kill us so much easier than we can kill them. The only solution I can think of is to setup a type of stratgy centre to discuss Assfighting counter tactics and good team work during the fights.:cool:

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