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DBZ Models


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DBZ is a great show and for those who think otherwise, well, that's their problem. If you guys can make some DBZ models, it would be fantastic. Thing is though, I can't picture Goku or Trunks holding a lightsaber or an E-11 Blaster. As much as I like DBZ and other anime, it just doesn't seem to belong in the Star Wars universe, much less Jedi Outcast.


But if you guys can succeed at this, try making a Super Saiyan 4 Goku (the half ape/ half human form). If you want I'll post some pics later.

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I believe that everyone's opinion should be valued because their critique, regardless of how irrevelant or contrary it is to us, plays a role in the product's development. Disco, I apologize for everyone's unfair treatment. I can see where you are coming from (the repeated enemies and stuff).


The forum is a place for people to express their thoughts and opinions. It is unfair to insult the opposing person. Now that is said and done, let's start this DBZ project. :)


A funny model from DBZ would be Master Roshi. :D I mean, a turtle shell, the sunglasses, hunched back, beard...To find him gloating over you after you've been defeated is hilarious. Or how about Krillin? One with hair and the other bald. Frieza and his four forms would be nice. (snort) King Kai would be another fine model to see. He could be based off the Ugnaught model. His taunt would probably be one of the lousy jokes that he told. The one I'd really like to see would be Piccolo in is Namekian weighted clothes with the turban. The cape would be separate from the model so it could wave and flow. The possibilities are endless.


So who's the mastermind behind the DBZ modelmaking?


"Did you ever hear the joke 'How many Saiyans does it take to build a rocketship?' "-King Kai.


"Later King Kai,"-Goku


"Arise Eternal Dragon!"
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Originally posted by Quackster

I believe that everyone's opinion should be valued because their critique, regardless of how irrevelant or contrary it is to us, plays a role in the product's development. Disco, I apologize for everyone's unfair treatment. I can see where you are coming from (the repeated enemies and stuff).


The forum is a place for people to express their thoughts and opinions. It is unfair to insult the opposing person. Now that is said and done, let's start this DBZ project. :)


A funny model from DBZ would be Master Roshi. :D I mean, a turtle shell, the sunglasses, hunched back, beard...To find him gloating over you after you've been defeated is hilarious. Or how about Krillin? One with hair and the other bald. Frieza and his four forms would be nice. (snort) King Kai would be another fine model to see. He could be based off the Ugnaught model. His taunt would probably be one of the lousy jokes that he told. The one I'd really like to see would be Piccolo in is Namekian weighted clothes with the turban. The cape would be separate from the model so it could wave and flow. The possibilities are endless.


So who's the mastermind behind the DBZ modelmaking?




dont talk about what would be funny the first model made should be someone like trunks or vegeta: but not at the quality the piccolo skin was. his face was deformed
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Originally posted by Lucko Mabri

*Calls Kman* we have a situation here! a model reuqest which is not in request thread! this needs to be closed down now! *Puts fence around thread and a sign sayingClickie * Guess thats my job done. Ta Ta *Jumps off thread and runs off*


-Lucko Mabri

get a life this was in the formally request dumaass

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Originally posted by Lucko Mabri

you should thank me for saying that instead of "WTF WTF WHY IS THESE GHEY DBZ MODELZ IN THIS THREAD! DBZ IS DUMBASS **** **** **** DUMB" Thankyou


-Lucko Mabri

i cant stand guys like u who dont resepect others opinions if u disagree about this model being made then just dont post. some people actually like dbz. LEARN TO RESPECT OTHERS OPINIONS!!! :swear:

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Originally posted by anime316

You want to know the reason WHY DBZ is cool? because it's never the same show twice. They leave you hanging after each episode. I used to hate DBZ, then i started watching it one day out of bordum and when the episode ended i'm like "Damnit, they just HAD to cut if off. Now i'll have to see what happens next." They keep you hanging after each episode and eventually it sucks you in. It's pure genius. Other shows like SM, EVANGELION, and even our american hero's like Batman, and Superman are all the same.

1. A NEW bad guy shows up

2. The city's/world's in danger

3. The good guys come

4. They beat up the bad guy and the episode repeats itself with a new bad guy EVERYDAY


I'm only 16 and even I can regognize such a pattern. It's boring. At least DBZ surprises you every once in awhile with some character you thought was weak suddenly getting super power. And Funimation has some great lines and characters that really bring you into the show itself. THATs why DBZ is so awsome.


Oh my god now you got me ****ing going. Neon Genesis Evangelion has the most ****ing symbolism and ideas behind the plot than you will ever see if you think DBZ is the ****. Watch Cowboy Bebop or Trigun, and definetly Evangelion. Evangelion is the god of all animes in that fact that it doesn't need to rely on fighting to catch the eye of a viewer, it uses complex riddles and porbes your mind. Throw in an amazing musicial score, some huge EVAs and the occasional hilarious moment and you, my friend, have an amazing experience. And I am 15 years old and I understand this better than DBZ dubbies. DBZ was wonderful, I admit, but its **** in America and thats always how its gonna be. And don't ****ing flame me for this post, I have an opinion and its fair to state it. There's my 2 ****ing cents.

- Wolf :jawa

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I had no intention of flaming you. I agree with you infact. Evangelion is awsome in it's messages. I love the show myself. DBZ english does suck. That's why i have all the japanese eps and movies :) I love evangelion. In fact i have the first 4 DVD's on my shelf next to me. I watch them all the time. I only used the way they fight as an example.


P.S. Thanks for the 2 cents, now i can buy a coke.

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After quickly looking through this thread, I found no pictures of anybody's dbz models that they are making, and there is more spam and flames than I can shake a stick out. Do not start another dbz discussion thread after this is closed. Wait until you have a picture of your 'work in progress' model then show it to us. That way there is something else to talk about other than how much dbz sux or ownz.

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