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How Do You Bind Backstab/Backsweep?


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I know allot of ppl don't like the backstab/backsweep moves including myself. It's a fair move if not abused. Now....I'm seeing ppl how must bind a sequence or script to do those moves. Could someone enlighten me to how this is done? Do you do it through the JKII MP config file? I definitely don't abuse this move but I see quite a few ppl who do. I'm sick to death of being surrounded and everybody hacking down on me (yeah I sometimes use backstab/backsweep) to get out of something like this...but does anyone know what the syntax is to enter that so you could bind it to a key?



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I hope I see you on a server man cause I am gonna camp your butt so hard core. Why don't you just go get the console cheats and just play single player bots for the rest of your computers life...:fett:



P.S. I go by DiagoTheCamper.. See you soon Bowen you are on my hitlist.

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Originally posted by Yoda_623

Good point knyte....I think you should have to learn moves yourself and get good at them instead of just binding them.



True dat, but the problem with the move is it dosent matter if he scripts it or manually does it, he's gonna get flamed by someone either way.

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Ive noticed a continuing/growing trend on the forums...almost every other post is some no skill, brain dead newb trying to get someone to tell them how to script everything so they can think theyre "good". Guess what guys, I dont have a single script bound, oh wait, I lied /bind x +taunt, oh dear god, Im a sell-out. One of the major things wrong with Jedi is that scripts are way to easy to use and write, in Q3 scripts dont do much, "Oh look, he rocket-jumped with one key", in Jedi its another story. Im asking everyone on this forum to please stop posting scripts, the game isnt fun with all the 1-hit-kill whores as it is.

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bah, another clueless person.





Scripts don't make 1hit whores. The game's current state makes them. I hate the move as much as the next guy. Was in a duel server and this jackass only used absorb and pull then backstab. When we tried to vote him out he had his second system waiting to duel himself, then voted us out.


Scripts didn't make the 1hit whore. The last patch did. The way it's at now, the only way to be abeatable is to use the combo above. Let's put the blame where it belongs.







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I have tried and tried to play around these force pulling back stabing twits, I'll pop into a server now and agian, and that's all everyone is doing....drives me nuts.


I leave that server, go to another one, and guess what... the guy with the highest score is doing the same thing.


I'm wondering where all these "jedi- masters" that scoff at such antics are, they're on the message boards, but I rarely see one play.


I never seem to play on any server that doesn't have a master pull+back stab person playing. So what the hell... I'm glad I know the bind needed to join the masses.


I do play this game for fun....unlike many other people...


Look here for a good Star Wars realated laugh...



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Scripts didn't make the 1hit whore. The last patch did. The way it's at now, the only way to be abeatable is to use the combo above. Let's put the blame where it belongs.



You are right...the scripts don't make the one-hit whore. However, you are also wrong....the patch doesn't either. Nor does the game design. All the blame goes to the person themselves, nothing else. I won't try to speculate on what kind of a person these people are, but the blame can not fall on anything but them.

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i tend to disagree there. In the first release of the game, you didn't see ass fighters. You saw people doing dfa all the time in crowds. That and grip/light some drain. Then they patch it to it's current state. Now all you see is assfighters. The people are just doing the best move in the game for the kills. That's ok with me, but that fact that they must do it for kills becuase of the current state of the game is what gets me.


Say for example they fix the backstab damage, or even just the pull. Less to none will be doing this and they would find another thing to do. But for some chance that's nothing less than an act of god, they make things "balance". Then people would have to learn COMBOS and chains. The game would slow down, as it should. You will be fighting people of skill via your skills. Not some lame exploited move.


What needs to be done is someone to make this move soooo easy to do. That everyone and thier mother uses it and then the creators will see and maybe think, "jeez, this is alittle too much, let's fix it before people stop playing." I'm gonna make a script that does it in one move. Then post it to everyone so they can use it as much as possible. Kinda like rubbing your dog's nose in the crap he just made in the livingroom. He can't help but see he did a bad thing.




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i tend to disagree there. In the first release of the game, you didn't see ass fighters. You saw people doing dfa all the time in crowds. That and grip/light some drain. Then they patch it to it's current state. Now all you see is assfighters. The people are just doing the best move in the game for the kills. That's ok with me, but that fact that they must do it for kills becuase of the current state of the game is what gets me.



I agree there wasn't any in the first patch. However, I guarantee most of these assfighters were the DFA spammers in 1.02. With DFA being nerfed, they moved on to another easy kill move. It's lack of patience, and there lies the problem. So again....poorly designed game, and poor players.

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What needs to be done is someone to make this move soooo easy to do. That everyone and thier mother uses it and then the creators will see and maybe think, "jeez, this is alittle too much, let's fix it before people stop playing." I'm gonna make a script that does it in one move. Then post it to everyone so they can use it as much as possible. Kinda like rubbing your dog's nose in the crap he just made in the livingroom. He can't help but see he did a bad thing.



Oh, and ummm.....the move is easy to do. "Back+attack". That's it, no script needed.

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Originally posted by knyte

Ive noticed a continuing/growing trend on the forums...almost every other post is some no skill, brain dead newb trying to get someone to tell them how to script everything so they can think theyre "good". Guess what guys, I dont have a single script bound, oh wait, I lied /bind x +taunt, oh dear god, Im a sell-out. One of the major things wrong with Jedi is that scripts are way to easy to use and write, in Q3 scripts dont do much, "Oh look, he rocket-jumped with one key", in Jedi its another story. Im asking everyone on this forum to please stop posting scripts, the game isnt fun with all the 1-hit-kill whores as it is.


i must agree, a lot of the posts here are now about people asking how to do a script:(


don't get me wrong, i don't mind scripts like saber colour changing, chaning models, names, and all that useless, but kinda funny stuff....but binding moves, come on people, might as well go to playing bots on jedi master difficulty

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