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how to change your SP model


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luke12946, great news bud with some help pointing me in the right direction I worked out how to do it :)


have a look in the assets0.pk3 for a file named npc.cfg, extract it and in there it has all the command lines for all the npc including the one that makes desann big. It also has a handy explination of what every command line does at the top. The main one you need to change is the scale number. 100 is normal size and desann's is set to 125 I think it was. Anyway just change that number to 100 and your maul to desann mod will be the right size :) Sweet!


Just zip the file up in the same folder name it extracted to called ext_data, when ziped rename it to something like size_mod.pk3 and stick it back in the base folder.


btw to use notepad to edit the npc.cfg


any probs let me know and I'll help you with it.

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also, if you do an episode 2 mod, the new clonetrooper pack comes with all those different colors- you could use one for the main trooper, one for the commander, one for the flecheete dude, one for the rocket guy, and the last two for the officers.... that would turn out pretty well!

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Dammit this isn't working!!! :mad:


I followed the instructions exactly, retaining a copy of the original file in the base folder along with the mod. (I want to make kyle into Obi-Wan from episode 2) The only thing this seems to have done is take away the thing that says MODS at the main menu. help!


you can reach me at rassick@hotmail.com

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ok some things to have a look at first, one: make sure you don't have anyother SP kyle mods in the base folder. Eg: you don't have a kyle_to_Luke.pk3 and a Kyle_to_Obiwan.pk3 in there at the same time. Also just to check that you've packed the mod up right try extracting the mod you made and make sure the first folder is called models the second, players and third and last folder named kyle. (models/players/kyle)


if all that fails post a link to which ep2 obiwan model/skin you want and I'll pack it up for you. There's a couple of skins out there so you have to show me exactly which one you want.

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Hey Peloquin, I have tried all of your steps and all of the error checks you have posted to check if you are changing the SP model right and it is not working. I have no idea what I am doing wrong. So could you just e-mail me the SP conversion and tell me where to put it in my folders. I want it for the Jango Fett model. Here is the link:




My e-mail is SolidSnake1087@hotmail.com


I'd really appreciate it. Thanks a lot!

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snor4, for some reason that model wont work in SP. I noticed the model.glm file is different from all the others which might have something to do with it. You might have to contact the person who made the model or settle for the other jango fett model instead.

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Thanks alot Peloquin. The Fetts have always been some of my favorite characters . . . After Im finished downloading it, Ill probably look at his file to see what I was doing wrong when I manually tried it. Thanks again.

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*bump*. Same here, I understood all of the steps I'm just not sure how to force winzip to create some folders inside. I've tried just selecting the folder it's self to zip up and everything. And I'll be damned if I can find anything in any of winzip's menus that will let me make a folder inside there.

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ok....you go into the base folder and pick the model you want. It'll be in a .pk3 file so for example darthmaul.pk3..yeah? ok


use winzip to extract that .pk3 file into a spare folder.


(i made a spare folder called "spmods" under the main lucasarts folder)


go to the spare folder that you just extracted the .pk3 file into.


what do you see?


you should see a folder called models. (there may be other folders called botfiles, shaders,scripts,sound don't worry about those...ignore them)


click on the models folder, you'll see a folder inside that called "players"


click on the players folder and you'll see a folder inside that one that has the name of the model you want to use. For example if you extracted a darthmaul.pk3 the name of the model folder will be 'darthmaul'.


right click on the folder that has the model name and select rename.


rename it to "kyle"


now GO BACK to the FIRST FOLDER which was MODELS folder. right click on it and select add to zip.


usually it will zip it up into a file called "models.zip" cause that's the name of the folder you ziped it from.


now find the "models.zip" right click on it and select rename. rename it to whatever you want but make sure instead of .zip at the end you name it to .pk3 at the end. so for example, we rename "models.zip" into "kyle_To_maul.pk3"


stick the kyle_To_maul.pk3 into your base folder and the next time you load up a game kyle will have changed.


===NOTE=== you don't need any program to change a .zip file to a .pk3 file. simply rename it to .pk3


==NOTE== because you click on MODELS folder and select add to zip from there the zip will have the correct folders. Inside the zip it will be models/players/kyle. You're ziping the MODELS folder which has a folder inside it called PLAYERS, inside the players folder there's one that you just renamed to KYLE. so inside the zip the files are set out like models/players/kyle. Winzip does it for you as long as you zip the file from the MODELS folder.


Nuff said I hope :)

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"use winzip to extract that .pk3 file into a spare folder."


how do u do this? how do u take a .pk3 file and extract it? isn't extracting for zipped files? everything else i understand. i get the spare folder just not how to extract


if u mean unzip the origonal .zip it to the spare folder then i'm not getting any folders within it.

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hail everyone. I've been trying to change the kyle skin to a skin from the mandalorian pack for about three days now and I've been very unsuccessful. There's no error, no invis character, no glitch with weapons, it's purely the fact that my SP model won't change . I've gone over the steps about 3 dozen times and no effect. Peloquin I would enjoy it if I could get a skin pack from you.

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zero Ikadius, lol if it's boba fett or jango fett you want as kyle you might have tried looking at the mod files at JK2.net three days ago and saved yourself some grief.

have a look here for the SP boba fix and or SP jango fix




once you download those and see that they work I suggest you unzip one of them and have a good look at how it's packed. They have added the original model as well as the change to kyle mod all in the one pk3 file.

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