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Script help

Admiral Derski

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Can anyone tell me what the bind is that turns my computer on while standing on my head in the shower, during which my coffee maker starts up triggering my toaster which then starts my car and feeds my fish, all while going to work for me and asking my boss for a raise and then finds a good server to connect to where it will pull off countless pull/backsweep moves so that I can just sit back and watch as I win every game 276-0?? Ive already created a script to shut everything down when I get tired of watching the first script execute all the moves for me without any other kind of interaction, but a one button push. I figured I could make it seperate since I have all these extra keys free that are just taking up space. Im stuck on the fish feeding part, so any help would be appreciated.


On another note this is just designed to poke a little fun at the game itself not the players, so dont take offense to it if your a scripter or a pull/backsweep junkie, its not flaming you and if you feel that it is then youve got wayyyyy too much time on your hands. So dont turn this into a scripting vs. non scripting thread etc.




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I'm working on a script to scratch those unreachable spots on my back....damn those itches are annoying.


I was also considering doing up a little script that locates every scripter on a map, and changes their model into a big rubber d***. Hehe...that would be amusing.


d*** is "duck" BTW.:D

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HEY HEY, dont forget about a script for a million dollars, oh yeah, and one to clean my room, oh yeah, and one to drive my car for me, oh yeah, and one to work for me, oh yeah, and one to watch TV for me, oh yeah, and one to kick my siblings arse's, oh yeah...... wait a second, THERES NO SUCH THING?!?! HOW CAN THIS BE?!??! BUT I CAN SCRIPT IN JK2!!!!!! WHY CANT I SCRIPT IN REAL LIFE?!??!

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