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Quick Question = Need Response


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If you have sent me an email, I haven't received anything.


And yeah after working with model skinning for Quake 3, ST: Elite Force and the JK2 .pk3 file structure, this kind of stuff only takes a couple of minutes....... that is if I have the file to work on???


Try and send it again. I've received about 10 email today so I know the account is active.





-plasma.. :c3po:

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There are also other peeps helping me under a diff thread called Skin Almost Done...HELP!....think thats the name. I've progressed...perhaps....a little there with their help but still with no success of actually seeing my skin.

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Bleek, I still haven't received anything.


Perhaps your filesize is too big for hotmail's file limits, or you are sending it as a .pk3 instead of a .zip (I've had trouble sending .pk3 in the past).


If not send me a normal email without any attachments and I will send you an alternate email address you can email it to me with.



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The file structure has to be like this.


models/players/jedix/*the stuff*


everything paked correctly in pk3.

not with absolute path names but relative path names


not c:/programfiles/lucasart/etc/etc/models/players/jedix/*the stuff*

but ../models/players/jedix/*the stuff*


You do need the icon

You can make a custom one, it has to be 256x256px


make sure your .skin file points to the right files

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I actually didn't learn to skin through a tutorial. I've found that aside from mapping tuts, tuts are kind of... confusing. I learned by attempting the .pk3 and the .skin several times myself screwing it up each time, then sending it to someone to look at it. He explained my screwup and sent it back to me fixed. By looking at the .skin, I figured out how to get it done right.

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Thx...I sent my skin :) . I think that guy was talking about how the paths were wrong. All my paths are just to /jediX. Oh well mabey you can figure it out for me.

I didn't understand that tutorial either :confused: .

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wait a sec....

I put the skin in my base folder....but it didnt seem to replace the old messed up one and the new one just...seem to disappear :eek: . Can you send me it again and I'll make sure it goes to the folder.

Also can you explain to me how you fixed it??? It's alright if you dun wanna.:evanpiel:

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Hey...I went to this one server and the skin...partially worked. There were 2 icons of it. One icon just made him look like kyle and the other icon worked somewhat. The team colors of my guy didn't work but the original color did.

Sniffle.....I wanna learn how to do it cuz I wanna make a skin besides this one...that is actually good.

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