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Something neat...

Guest FCMan

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Did anyone notice that Luke's outfit in Return of the Jedi looks a lot like Yun's outfit in Jedi Knight? I'm guessing it has to do with how Luke was flirting with the Dark Side in the beginning of Return of the Jedi. Everyone may have noticed it,but I just rewatched ROTJ and noticed it. Any comments on that?



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Guest paulbarnard

Luke was flirting with the Dark Side the entire time in ROTJ. Read the book if you and especially during the Luke/Vader fight, ask who is the Dark and who is the Light or are they both Dark Jedi etc...Your answer changes from time to time.


Maybe it's just a common fashion in the republic (since JK is 5 years after endor about the time of thrawn in the cannon). maybe young males dress similar to luke skywalker etc.



Paul Barnard

aka Bad Monkey

Knight Watch Shipping Corporation



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And everybody knows that flirting with the Dark Side makes you want to change your wardrobe to black... (it's the "goth" syndrome)..



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Guest Soul-Dazzle

FCMan mate, you're a bit of a freak. maybe not a freak but you're too hardcore of a jedi fan.


ask yourself right now, apart from you, who really gives a **** whether or not Yun and Luke have the same clothes?






Q - D o u g h


AKA : Cocobandito

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Awww come one Dazzle.Have a heart. Some of us choose to enjoy the splendor of the Star Wars galaxy more than others,relish in its beauty. I'm one of those. I may be a Star Wars geek,but I know my Star Wars stuff. I know tons of Star Wars stuff that no one cares about. Heck,I'm a fan of all sci-fi. It's all good. Star Wars fans should have fun and bask in the glory of all that is Star Wars,not criticize people who look with detail at the Star Wars films.So don't criticize,be jealous of those who have the enthusiasm and time to be obsessed with Star Wars. And stuff like that. smile.gif

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For those of you that have no idea what I just said, I have no idea what it means either. I just typed from the heart. We should all tr it. Just type from the heart till your heart can't give you any more to type. That way the whole world would be full of stuff from the heart. That's help make world peace. So contribute to world peace. Type from the heart. That is all.

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I think it has more to do with Luke and Yun (and Jerec too, for that matter) being influenced by the Jedi fashion sense. Note the similarities to the tunics that Obi-wan and Qui-gonn were wearing under their cloaks.



"The Beasts know much that we do not." -Ancient Jedi proverb

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Guest Soul-Dazzle

okay, from the heart.


instead of wallowing in star wars all day, why dont you go and do something in the real world. something a little more fun or productive.


like go and play sports, go and buy something, like buy a new CD or something, paint a picture, go and see a movie, walk your dog, see your girlfriend, get a girlfriend if you dont have one, go and do something moderately illeagal, whatever whatever. spray some stranger with a hose.


okay, some arent productive but you need to escape star wars.




Feel tha FUNK BLAST!


AKA : Cocobandito

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Guest paulbarnard

How do you know that star wars isn't some people's escape from reality for a few hours a day?


I know it's mine. Without it i know the stresses and pressure of grad school would've made me snap a long time ago. It is my eccentricity (then again, all scientists are eccentric).



Paul Barnard

aka Bad Monkey

Knight Watch Shipping Corporation



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Guest Slacker Type

Dazzle's right. Go out, play sports, have sex, go to the beach, listen to music (I recommend PJ Harvey's Stories from the City, Stories from the Sea), get high, climb on to your roof and stare at the sky. Don't waste your life away obsessing over science fiction.

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Dude,this sounds bad coming from y'all, especially since I've seen you dudes on here a lot. Too much for someone who has a life. It sounds like Dazzle and Slacker live utterly without Star Wars. And hey,I'm always into something obsessively(for long periods). First it was animals,then dinosaurs,then anatomy,then Animorphs(a book series),then the great wonderful Star Wars galaxy. Besides,Star Wars has so many opportunities for fans. One could become a writer,video game maker, artist,actor,action figure maker,practically every carreer field could have some people who got into it from Star Wars.Take for example the London Symphony. Some saw the old movies and decided to be in the London symphony to make music like Star Wars. And guess what? They worked on Episode 1 and are fairly famous. See? Fandom can also lead to great carreer opportunities. And besides,I tried real life. Not too exciting. I check in sometimes. Still the ozone layer hole.Still no President. Still pollution. So I dip back into Star Wars and read the great adventures.Aspire to be a certain type of person. Heck,I love Rogue Squadron,so I hope I can be a fighter pilot one day. Maybe be one of the best. Be the Gavin Darklighter of our galaxy. So maybe I'm obsessed,but hey that's not so bad.

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Guest Soul-Dazzle

slacker Im totally with you bro.


especially on the "have sex, get high" points.


and FC dude or whoever said it, Im not totally into star wars, like the movies were cool and all but there are heaps better ones (Run Lola Run, The Castle, Fight Club, The Big Hit, Ghost Dog : Way of the Samurai, etc...) out there.


really the main thing that makes me like (not obsess over it is the lightsabres and aspects of the force (like grip and lightning, jump is cool too).


and the games are mad, there are better games mos def but its cool to use the lightsabre and the force.


so yeah FC bro, go and do something, like at least go for a jog around the block, or take a swim or something.


or better yet go and have a "vagina" competition.


this involves you and a mate going to a VERY public and VERY populated place and taking turns at saying the word "vagina". each time you say it, you have to say it louder than the last time either of you said it, the person to yell it the loudest wins.


sounds gay but its actually pretty cool (stupid as well)


also, dont but the new wu-tang album "The W". Ive been a fan for a long time and this was very disappointing. just get it burnt (copied), its not worth all the money for the original.


top cut is Gravel Pit




Feel tha FUNK BLAST!


AKA : Cocobandito

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Guest oninosensi

Yelling 'vigina' in public, man. that is stupid. Give em a break, and ya'll should avoid trekkies like they are diseased, this topic just started with an observation, trekkies nitpick the shows to death.



"You gave me an ABNORMAL BRAIN?!"

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Wow t'is odd. My little observation I made from watching ROTJ and remembering Jedi Knight has turned this into a little argument over getting a life. Like I may have said before:if you have such a way cool life,then what the heck are you doing on these boards? If you got a life,you shouldn't be visiting Star Wars sites. After all,Star Wars is kinda neat,but not that neat. YOu sound like my dad(almost exactly).Except he makes sense and doesn't delve into what he doesn't really mind for. And consider this one phrase: Give Peace A Chance smile.gif

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Umm... I have a life and like Star Wars... What does that make me?


All kidding aside, the fact that Star Wars was such a big hit in 1977 and on is exactly because of what paulbarnard and FC been saying: Escape! People got to forget about real life for a few and enjoy themselves.


I know where ya coming from FC, I spend most of my "allowance" on SW and enjoy it very much, but it doesn't stop me from having a gf and a full time job. Yah know the real world.


Oh and give him a break Soul, nothing wrong with sharing an observation from a movie/game.



Everyone has got to have the sickness

'Cause everyone seems to need the cure...


[This message has been edited by Jedi SuperBuen (edited November 27, 2000).]

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Guest paulbarnard

thank you for realizing it. I'm a graduate student in molecular bio/biochemistry (they are the same thing more or less). I have a life (quality debateable). I get paid to teach classes, take classes, research, and study. I some how find the couple hours a day it takes to run a group, run an off shot project (need to get that up and going), and occasionally sleep.


That's how my life will go for the next 4 years till they take the letter, Ph. D behind my name. ahhhhh. (that's what keeps me going. the couple hours a week of release star wars gives me makes me realize that all hope is not lost, yet).



Paul Barnard

aka Bad Monkey

Knight Watch Shipping Corporation



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