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new female skin (jan)


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nice work. she looks a little *too* pale though. I prefer my toast to be a little more golden :cool: but great work otherwise. also, consider adding some color to her face, maybe some makeup or something. otherwise great work, one of few non-StarWars (or non-anything :p ) characters that i'd actually download.:p

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cause at geocities you have to rename the .jpg file to .txt in order to link it from a forum. it works fine, otherwise you would have problems.


as for the belt, no belt issue.... hmmm. i'm torn. If NO belt, then her glove looks out of place, but i do prefer her without the belt.

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Altimira: Try using the Nudejan as a base for the skin...whoever did that model did a wonderful job as far as skin goes. And if you have photoshop, use the color dodge and burn to give shadows and highlights...I'm sure other paint programs have similar tools.

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The problem is when in the game, light overshines the model and makes it hard to see every detail. Also the game blurs everything, where in modview, its all nice and sharp. Thats why I posted in-game shots as well as modview shots.

I do have photoshop 6.0 and hopefully soon 7.0. I would be happy to give it to you, but i may change some stuff after i get it back, or maybe not at all.



Make sure you give me your email address, otherwise it may go in the trash:D (since i get alot of junkmail)

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ok,I was playing with my brother when he changed his skin to another jan based skin...My taunt changed every single jan based one...so now i am searching for another way to make a custom taunt. i have been messing around with it for the last couple days now and have gotten no where.


what exatcly do i need to put in my .pk3 (as in what sounds) and what exactly do i need in my sounds.cfg and/or animsounds.cfg? I have tried every way i can think of.

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and for the sounds you need to include the sounds.cfg


look in one of the girl models and see that the sounds.cfg is pointing to chars/jan/misc (open the file with notepad), that chars/jan/misc is pointing to assets1.pk3 in your base folder, if you go in the assets1.pk3 you'll see a folder sounds, chars, than a folder jan than misc (just like in the sounds.cfg chars/jan/misc) either edit that or make a new .pk3 file (name it whatever) in that pk3 file make a folder sounds, in that folder make another one named chars, then janskin (or whatever name you want) and then misc


in the original dirrectory chars/jan/misc you'll see it has tons of sounds, one of those is taunt.mp3, that's the same one you have to make in your chars/janskin/misc


a little hard to understand, I'm sure...if you want than I can easily do it for ya :)


AIM: remark666

MSN/MAIL: remark666@hotmail.com

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