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Several things I hate


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Originally posted by ShockV1.89

Didnt notice that last part about Counterstrike...


Good for everyone who plays Counterstrike. Does that mean its better? Not necessarily. Some people like different kinds of games. The average CS player cant play for **** in a faster paced game like JK or UT. (not saying EVERY CS player, just a lot)


I suppose I fit into that minority. Not to toot my own horn, but I'm pretty good in both. And I only started playing CS yesterday. I'm probably gonna get flamed like hell for this, but I have to say, I love it! I'm not saying its better than JKII, however. Truth be told, they're neck and neck. Plus, after I finished with CS a few hours ago to play JKII just to make sure I wasn't losing my touch, and I still got it! :D


I still have my JKII skills, I'm getting pretty good at CS, and now I have two games that I love! Everything's comin' up roses! :D


Oh and BTW, I bought CS four days ago, but couldn't play it until yesterday cause I had to download all the damn patches (stupid 56k). :rolleyes:

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1. Absorb is not lame. Absorb is my favorite force power... Why? Because I turn it on and level the playing field, saber against saber. I don't want to get gripped and thrown off, or to be pulled down and bsed. I want a fight where I can usee combination attacks and feints and kick the other guy(s)' ass(es). I hardly see how that is lame.


2. Speed, lame? Speed to run away is, uhm, perfectly logical. Speed in combat may be a bit difficult to counter for a newbie, but is easy enough to deal with with a little practice (so easy that it becomes a very ineffectual power to use in such a situation).


3. Depends. Scripts come in many forms. Metabinding, for example, is perfectly fine and fair. Nothing wrong with adding more keys to the keyboard. A script to say "Stay away, we're dueling!" seems a very good idea to me. On the other hand, a script that allows you to saber+pull+kick a point-blank is stupid. And there are lots of examples of those too.


4. Yep. Though, in 1.04, they kinda overly hurt bs. It doesn't really work AS a backstab anymore (when I'm snuck up on, it's better for me to turn around than backstab). If you ask me, the problem is the concept of unblockability. Any existing move would be perfectly fine if none were unblockable. The problem with kick now (and why it's spammed) is unblockability. It makes no sense that a Jedi doesn't at least have a chance (a low chance, perhaps, but a chance) of blocking a move. That would severely lower the power of whores.


In the end, though, a balanced, skilled player takes a game in 1.04, just like they could take a game in 1.03. Absorb effectively stopped pull+bs, an in a power-less fight, someone who knows all the moves and when to execute them is much better off than an assfighter (example: medium dfa is quite good against ass-fighters if timed right).


Just my 2 cents.

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Originally posted by SpyCatcher

about this game. I think I speak for many.


1. Absorb

2. Speed

3. Script

4. backwards kill


This may be a average / good game but you do not see thousands and thousands online playing. Everyone is playing counter-strike.


1. It works perfectly. Without it the game would degenerate into lightning contests and the light side would not stand a chance... this is their only defence and it's not overpowered at all.


2. Well while it's annoying not being able to follow someone using speed when you're not using it yourself.... you can't really complain... you will have other forces. Besides I have NEVER experienced any problems with speed.


3. Yeah well some people want to win and not have fun doing it all by themselves.


4. I don't care really :)



I like the game and it's almost perfect... a few tweaks and it will be there.


1. In a FFA duel both participants health and armor should be set at 100/25 and the winner should get this too.


2. Make a hardcore mode where there is no shield/health on the map.

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A few things about Absorb:


1) Jedi in the SW Universe can use it not only to absorb force powers, but also to absorb other energies including blastebolts. Vader does use absorb on Solos blaster.


2) I think tahat absorb in the game is quite well balanced. U can use it againts those constant pull+backstab scripters. And it is also the only counter to many darkside powers. It can also give you a quite good saber only duel. If it werent for the lightsaber, JK2 would be nothing more than another QUAKE3/UT/CS game, guns are not bad, they add a little variety to the game, but players that use them too much should rather try QUAKE3.



I dont see whats the problem with that.

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vader did not use absorb in empire strikes back




the books say that vaders (left or right?) glove is indestructable, and it becomes the symbol for the new empire after he dies...


just though I would clear it up for YOU

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The expanded universe books are not primary canon, and frankly they're full of <insert derogatory phrase here.>


"Super duper gloves." "Magic sith gauntlets."


Pfft. But then again, old George is full of <insert derogatory phrase here> as well. Mondo-chluribangs. Jar-Head Binks. But frankly, nothing has appalled me more than the "vader's speshal gloves" thingy.


It was force absorb.


/me puts a blindfold on so that he won't have to read any opinions which diverge from his.

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absorb is fine! People who whine about absorb just can't stand having to fight for a kill without gripping and using lightning.


Now for a real Things I hate list!


1 - Jar Jar Binks (do you need to know why? didn't think so)


2 - Counter Strike, lame graphics and cheesy gameplay..nuff said


3 - People who come to JKII forums to tell us about how much better CS is.


4 - People that write gay like this--> "ghey"


5 - People who write OWNED after every kill they get


6 - Kill tracker, I hate this stupid thing.


7 -People that tell noobs to try this cool skin "Galak_mech/default" knowing that its just going to screw up thier computer


8 -People who steal the flag in CTF and just to hide and never come out again, not even to score. (killing them is #1 on my favorite things about this game list)


9 -Nerfing everything


10 -People who support Nerfing everything

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