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What's with all the sabers?


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I was just looking at all the files available on jkii.net and I noticed all of the sabres available. What is the deal? I don't even see sabres in the game, because they're covered by someone's hand. All that hard work to make one and it doesn't even really show up in the game. Is it because they are a good starting point for modelers?

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Yeah, I agree. I love the game, but they really could have put some more work into the default saber. The blade looks too thin, in my opinion, and as someone stated here, the hilt is too damned long. When Kyle has his saber lowered, it looks like a pipe. Was he going to duel the reborn or bludgeon them.:D


I agree that a choice of hilts is good. Everyone with a different hilt means a more realistic game. :D


Snakeeyes, what's the hilt you are using in your sig pic?:p

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I think people make hilts simply because it's not horribly complicated, and it's a good way to learn a lot of basic modelling techniques. That's true for me, anyway. I just started getting into modelling a little over a week ago, and I've been learning a LOT just doing saber modelling.


As for Kyle's saber, I personally like it. Remember that there is no set height, size, style, etc that a lightsaber should be. It's all personal preference for the creator. Whoever made Kyle's saber (Where did he get that, anyway?? In MoTS?) designed it to be a little longer. I like that design, myself. It reminds me of some japanese sword hilts that are big enough for 3 1/2 hands to fit on them. One thing to think about with long saber hilts is it allows for differences in fighting style. If you have one hand near the top, and one hand closer to the bottom, you have a lot more leverage for chop-style moves. Your top hand is the pivot point, and the farther down your bottom hand is, the faster and longer a chop can be.


In the case of JKII, that doesn't make any difference, but it's still fun to model a lightsaber based on some thinking like that, and whatever you think looks cool :)

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It's not that I can't see the sabre. It's just that most of it is covered with hands. Other folks are too far away to see. The one I'm holding is covered by my avatar's body. Aside from that... I had a question. If I use a particular sabre, does that mean that everyone that I see is going to use the same sabre? Will they be using the default sabre?


If everyone uses the sabre that I make, won't that defeat the purpose of having my very own sabre?

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yes, sabers are a good place to start. (even if i think it is a little silly, all the bickering about little details...)


but i need help on getting a blasted saber model in game. i know there's a tutorial on it, but its for gmax and i use milkshape. (i read the tut anyway, good job and hats off to the author.)

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Originally posted by snakeeyesa27

well, i'm glad you noticed, norin. that's my very own custom saber.

it's modelled after my real one. Post a request if you want it.



I would really appreciate that hilt, snakeeyes. Post it here, if you would.:D




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I'd really prefer to email it, unless someone wants to host it privately. It's very individual, and i don't think it would get praise if i posted it on jediknightii.net or some other site, since it's not reckognizable. However, i think it's a very good model (you can compare it with the actual photo). If you want it, to use or to post, just give me an email address.

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