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>:AGSP:< The Zectonian Octarena(Hydroball map)

Grets Sirob

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I thought I'd start this thread for a hydroball arena I'm making. No screens yet, you may have to wait for jom.com(when I send it in...). But, it should be done soon. Here's a description:


Shaped like an octagon(hence the name), this arena is a large tube, about the size of the origanal map, but taller. You enter from the sides(not above the goals, on the side of the map). If your simply watching instead, you have the choice between the observation deck(one floor above the entrance area) and has a glass wall, all the way around. The other option is (below the observation deck) several private veiwing boxes. The beta-testers(if any) will get their own personnal box(with their name on it:D) You like the idea?



I do...


But that's just me...





:wookiee: Raaarwwaag!

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Hey, yeah! That'd be cool! And you'd get your own private box too! I'll e-mail you, can you set up a server? It's not a big deal, it would just make it easier as my current server is having problems(for some reason, we can't see him)





:wookiee: Raaarwwaag!

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I ask becuse I will have my server back up after we recompile a new Kernel. A day or so.

I would be running tests onmy map as well, so if you wanna run them on my srv that would be cool. Im outa job at the time, and here almost all the time. So I could add your map's to my test rotation. and we could do private testing. email me @ thecellclan@microsith.com

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I actually have about 4, possibly more beta-testers, I'll consider you though. But first, you have to tell me what you think of the map.

Progress report:

I've made the actual arena part, but it's not textured yet, and there's no light, and most of it(even the visible part) is caulked. I think I've added the water properly, but I'll have to test it first.


Tell me what you people think.





:wookiee: Raaarwwaag!

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