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How the hell do i edit bsp's?


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...because it would be horribly inefficient to have an uncompiled map? Because the engine would need to refer to every single light, every single area, and calculate all the visibility and lighting information in real time, and in to do that, we'd hafta revert to a graphics quality of that of Wolfenstein 3D?


For your information, you can in fact decompile a map, although quite a bit of information is lost in the decompile process, namely because lighting and such is recalculated in the form of lightmaps (once again) for the sake of engine efficiency.


It was not "so that folks don't steal from each other," it was so that the game works properly.


As long as you're in the mapping forum, you might as well understand compiling... so head on over to http://richdiesal.jedioutcastmaps.com/tutorials and look that one up. Maybe you'll learn something.



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Thx sights0d, btw, ripping bsp's is bad, you'll lose all the patches and texture information. You better not do it. I never tried it myself, so I don't have a 100% info on what stays on and what doesn't, but you just better not :)

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Originally posted by RichDiesal

Well at least my site is for the betterment of the entire JK2 community. :p

EDIT: Well I suppose yours is too, but that's beside the point. :)


My problem atm is that they put a security setting on my database => I cannot do any insert statements :( But they'll fix it soon ;)

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You can convert a bsp back into a map, but it can really scew up that map. Sometimes all textures are screwed up, the entities are all gone, all patch meshes are turned into brushes and screwed up, some brushes are missing, and etc... You never really know what your going to get when you convert the bsp.


It's only worth it if your really desperate for certain basic geometry.


If you need the dos based converter, try putting in "bsp 2 map" or "bsp to map", in the search field at www.fileplanet.com.



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