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Quarren Model Finished! Need skinners, help bringing into game


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Since no one seems to be reading my thread anymore, I'll start a new one... heh- The Quarren model is pretty much finished, maybe except for a little bit of tweaking. I really need some people to volunteer to skin in, since I'm not really sure how yet. Also some help on how to get it into the game.


You can check out a shot of the model here: I'll post more later







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I like the head, but the body needs work. Right now it looks almost like it's a Lego version of a Quarren. Quarren bodies are pretty much the same as a human body, same proportions and all. I would recommend rebuilding the body around Kyle's, and use the image Delmar linked to for ideas on the proportion of the head compared to the body.


I hope some of my feedback will prove helpful :) I really want to see this done well, cause I like lots of alien variety, I think it'll make JKII a more Star Wars-ish game.

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Actually, I have & have been using a lot of references. I realize most of the pictures of Quarren from Star Wars are either wearing capes or baggy cloaks or whatever, but I decided against that, for a couple of reasons. Basically, anything that's going to extend below the waist will cause problems with clipping when the model is running -just take a look at the Vader model-. It also would be too hard to make a cape move when he's running or anything like that. I tried to go with something that looks more like body armor- not Mandalorian, but something like that: Figure the Quarren are usually the poor, scummy- kinda guys around the SW universe, but one that's a Jedi is not gonna be wearing the same outfits as the dirtbag Quarren you usually see... Ok, now that I sound like a true StarWars dork who reasons out pointless things from the story -heheh.


Anyways, maybe I'll try rendering the baggy shirt from that last picture.

About the poly-count thing: What's a good number to get it to run smoothly in the game? Around 2000-2500 I'm thinking?


Random Shot with a Lightsaber (for no real reason- -heh)



Dammit, someone offer to skin this bastard (or at least UV-rip it and show me how to do it)




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I'm gonna have to disagree with you about the bodyarmor thing. Kyp Durron wears body armor, and later on in the extended universe a lot of the Jedi Order starts wearing it. But whatever, I think yer right about the body. I'm going to try to do the body differently. I'm still not really crazy about the cape, though, so maybe I'll just scratch that.

As for the neck, yeah, I noticed their necks are thicker- there's sort of a hump in the back of it like a hunchback- I'm gonna work on that a little.


What I really need, though, is someone to help with UV and skinning. If you guys know about this, or could get someone to help, I'd appreciate it.




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Actually, the Kyp Durron in body armor is the invention of a skinner from these forums, it doesn't actually happen in the books. The only time any Jedi are dressed in body armor in NJO is when they're disguised as Yuuzhan Vong in the latest two books.


I don't think you necessarily need robes or a cloak, but normal Jedi-style clothing would be cool. :)

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