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The *I Want to Change The playerState_t struct* thread !


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Well most of yu should know that you shouldn't change the q_shared.h or q_shared.c files.


I really need to add something to tgis fu**ing structure, i really tried !


I modified it and changed the





and it s still crashing...

I know we must *somehow* be able to modify it.

If someone has a clue, another function to modify please say it!

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Okay here goes:


the shared files are basicly internal files used for the engine, so if you would edit them in anyway there is a very very big chance that the engine won't know them. However you can alter them aslong as the size total remains the same, but you're better off just leaving that alone. Some ingenius coder at IDsoftware has calculated it so that he knows exactly how many bits are in each position.


However here's a mapping of Q3's entityState beginning at eFlags made by Manuel Greed, as you can see it includes compiler directives for the qvms, i never used the code for anything so i don't know if it works, but it might be some help:


//Manuel - Greed - entityState mappings

// s# = short unsigned int

// l# = long int

// c# = unsigned char


typedef struct es_default_s{


#ifdef Q3_VM


unsigned :13; //Do not use

signed signed_19bit:19; //Signed -262143 to 262143



unsigned :24; //Do not use

unsigned c1:8; //Unsigned char 0 to 255



signed signed_19bit:19; //Signed -262143 to 262143

unsigned :13; //Do not use



unsigned c1:8; //Unsigned char 0 to 255

unsigned :24; //Do not use




int l1; //Signed long int



int l2; //Signed long int



int float1[3]; //Floats index [0 - 2]



int float2[3]; //Floats index [0 - 2]


#ifdef Q3_VM


unsigned :24; //Do not use

unsigned c2:8; //Unsigned char 0 to 255



unsigned c2:8; //Unsigned char 0 to 255

unsigned :24; //Do not use




int l3; //Signed long int



int l4; //Signed long int



int float3[3]; //Floats index [0 - 2]



int float4[3]; //Floats index [0 - 2]



int l5; //Signed long int



int l6; //Signed long int


//origin, origin2, angles, angles2

int float5[12]; //Floats index [0 - 11]


#ifdef Q3_VM


unsigned :22; //Do not use

signed signed_10bit1:10; //-511 to 511



unsigned :22; //Do not use

signed signed_10bit2:10; //-511 to 511



unsigned :22; //Do not use

signed signed_10bit3:10; //-511 to 511



signed signed_10bit1:10; //-511 to 511

unsigned :22; //Do not use



signed signed_10bit2:10; //-511 to 511

unsigned :22; //Do not use



signed signed_10bit3:10; //-511 to 511

unsigned :22; //Do not use




int l7; //Signed long int


#ifdef Q3_VM


unsigned :24; //Do not use

unsigned c3:8; //Unsigned char 0 to 255



unsigned :24; //Do not use

unsigned c3:8; //Unsigned char 0 to 255



unsigned :24; //Do not use

unsigned c5:8; //Unsigned char 0 to 255



unsigned :24; //Do not use

unsigned c6:8; //Unsigned char 0 to 255



unsigned :16; //Do not use

signed s1:16; //Signed -32767 to 32767



unsigned :8; //Do not use

signed signed_24bit:24; //-8388607 to 8388607



unsigned :22; //Do not use

signed signed_10bit4:10; //-511 to 511



unsigned :24; //Do not use

unsigned c7:8; //Unsigned char 0 to 255



unsigned :16; //Do not use

signed s2:16; //Signed -32767 to 32767



unsigned :24; //Do not use

unsigned c8:8; //Unsigned char 0 to 255



unsigned :24; //Do not use

unsigned c9:8; //Unsigned char 0 to 255



unsigned :24; //Do not use

unsigned c10:8; //Unsigned char 0 to 255



unsigned :24; //Do not use

unsigned c11:8; //Unsigned char 0 to 255



unsigned c3:8; //Unsigned char 0 to 255

unsigned :24; //Do not use



unsigned c4:8; //Unsigned char 0 to 255

unsigned :24; //Do not use



unsigned c5:8; //Unsigned char 0 to 255

unsigned :24; //Do not use



unsigned c6:8; //Unsigned char 0 to 255

unsigned :24; //Do not use



signed s1:16; //Signed -32767 to 32767

unsigned :16; //Do not use



signed signed_24bit:24; //-8388607 to 8388607

unsigned :8; //Do not use



signed signed_10bit4:10; //-511 to 511

unsigned :22; //Do not use



unsigned c7:8; //Unsigned char 0 to 255

unsigned :24; //Do not use



signed s2:16; //Signed -32767 to 32767

unsigned :16; //Do not use



unsigned c8:8; //Unsigned char 0 to 255

unsigned :24; //Do not use



unsigned c9:8; //Unsigned char 0 to 255

unsigned :24; //Do not use



unsigned c10:8; //Unsigned char 0 to 255

unsigned :24; //Do not use



unsigned c11:8; //Unsigned char 0 to 255



} es_default_t;



I think in general you might be better off just figuring out howto get it working with eg. STAT_ vars etc.

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Sorry wasn't clear writen I mean that If I only compile game with new var. and cgame without new var. it works. And if I compile game and cgame with new var. it doesn't work. But this you can only make if you didn't need the new var. in cgame/...


Again sorry for my bad english

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well obviously....the errors that happen are "prediction errors"

if you do not compile cgame with the new var it won't affect you, because the prediction routines are not hurt. (they are in cgame)

but playerstate_t struct is used to transmit data between server and client, so there's not much use in compiling only the jk2mpgame.qvm and not cgame.qvm

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