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Faster Force Regeneration


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Max Force Stat MP Server & Super Force Regen

I've only tested this in FFA_Bespin using a Dedicated server. Type all of this in the console:

g_maxForceRank 200

map ffa_bespin


Super Force Regeneration:

g_forceRegenTime 1

map ffa_bespin


There you go, you have 40k force points now and you regenerate extremely fast.



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Why would I want to?

Well I have almost every force power disabled on my server, so super-fast force regen would make it better..


Teleguy, I need to regen faster.


MaxForceRank just allows MORE force points to be used on the Player Menu thing.


g_forceregentime 0 is faster than g_forceregentime 1 By the way. Hehehe.


Can anyone help me out here?

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Perhaps I'm missing something here. If you have nearly every force power disabled, that's one more reason why you wouldn't need it to regen so fast. Are you trying to make it so people can use force speed/lightning continuously or something? I'm just personally curious. I have no reason to test it, but have you tried negative numbers?


seta g_forceRegenTime "-50"

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"Nearly every force power"


Lightning, Grip, Saber Throw, Push, Pull, Speed.


Having faster force regen would basically mean you don't have to worry about running out of force while jumping.. heh.


Or healing, but I've never had a problem with that because everyone is a BS whore anyway :(


Negative numbers don't work.

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