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Take your time raven....


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The new patch has gotten so far out of hand now, I am looking for a new game. But thats O.K. right? You have your money made and the product did well in retail sales. Meanwhile folks have found ways to exploit your crappy patch. Have you seen the multi-spin backslash?? Oh and how can we forget the 'ol pull knock down backslash. Game play has been reduced to learning the new bugs and not learning the game. If for some reason you DO actually get things fixed, all these folks are gonna have to actually LEARN some skills. Oh no!!! I for one have refused to learn how to script moves and learn to exploit bugs. And for that im tend to get low kills and spend half the game getting back on my feet after the pull knock down. I have actually gotten good at avoiding the pull knockdown backslash. However that is not what I intended to do when I purchased this game. I want to play.


So that said, are you ignoring all the posts? I mean really how hard is it to fix. adjust some damage, fix the pull and some other minor things. I know it isint that hard. You did design and build the game right? This is the same kind of crap that killed good games like Diablo, Rogue Spear and Quake. By killed I mean, a point where all the fans and honest gamers left out of frustration. I am 27 years old and consider myself to be at lest moderatly intelligent. Yet it still baffles me why you have not dealt with this issue. Skip the lip service. Listen to the fans and gamers. DO YOUR JOB. Get this done.



Taking a hard look at the upcoming UNREAL and getting out my check book in earnest. JK II CD is looking like a drink coaster more and more these days...



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Flaw free?


Hardly , but I don't remember any important game in the last years that started as a good game that just required a few bug fixes and maybe minor balance tweaks (JK 1.02), to actually end up as a mediocre one after a patch (1.03).


As Nihioteanka said, now people spend more time trying to pull/backslash each other than actually "playing". Sad . And try to tell any of these "l33t" pull/backslash exploiters that they are ruining the game, and you end up with clever answers like "stfu n00b", or "this requires skillz llamah". If a patch doesn't fix this crap soon I'm moving on.. :o

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You guys are talking about tweaks, with my G4 this game crashes to the desktop and I'm left with washed out colors (I'm not the only one). So, I feel your pain but you can imagine how pissed off I am. They know the this problem exsists, but you are correct they have our money. I will also be using this as a coaster and waiting for Unreal 2003.

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........It also seems like the "l33t" plauers are defending the patch. Normal people who actually play the game are at a loss. Whereas, all these "l33t" players who have "mad skillz" slaughter folks mearly by learning and exploiting the flaws. As far as the game being "flaw free", when did i write that? Read the post stupid. Flaws are to be expected. Fixing them in a timely manner is also expected. That is my complaint and the subject of my post. I will definitly be dropping the game soon now. It just seems like raven does not care. If they want to cater to the "l33t" players and not to those of us who actually purchased the game and enjoyed it at one time. You have to choose wich players you want to cater to. Do you want to cater to the "l33t" players or do you want to listen to the rest of us. Who is in the majority? Raven has obviously chosen not to make the game enjoyable....

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First off Nihio, thank you for saying what many folks have been afraid to say on this forum; hopefully a Raven employee is browsing this post as we speak. Now then, here's my two cents in the matter.


As bad as manners have gotten Nihio, you've only struck the tip of the iceberg in the issue, although backslashers are the main concern of 1.03. I hate them, I loathe them, and I kill them at every possible opportunity, but if Raven doesn't do anything about them, they will continue to plague our pubs and otherwise spread their "1337 skillz" garbage. And it doesn't end there. Due to the influx of spammers that exploit the flaws of 1.03 (yes, 1.02 had its flaws too, but JK2 was a much better game then, IMO :( ), and heavy nerfing of many dark powers (i.e. drain and grip), dark-side players are now a dying breed in lieu of absorbers. The result? 1.03 has tipped the scales of the force powers, forcing well-to-do dark siders to buy absorb (or Dark Rage, but not nearly as much and it still won't save them :eek: ) or succumb to these spammers. Bah.


Or how about saber combat in general? It used to be that people would actually swing their sabers at their enemies during duels, making combat both enjoyable and skillful. Now? If they're not spamming BS, then it's abusing DFA, lunge, or the yellow finisher. Trust me, I've tried normal combat under 1.03 (yes, swinging like the good old days), and not only did it take me 3 minutes to hit the guy, but I had to use a yellow finisher anyway. :eek: This is fun? Better yet, throw whores in duels. In 1.02, I considered myself a pretty good dueler. I could match the enemy stride for stride, get in a special move if I got bored, and never had a problem about losing should the other player get lucky (rematch, of course :) ). Now half the duels I see turn in to throwing contests (for instance, I lost about 90 - 120 life from throwing and eventually the duel to someone today), and since I don't invest points into throw for use elsewhere it gets to be a problem personally. However, the whole duel element is lost in such battles.


But enough venting. For now Nihio (and any other readers that made it this far), you should try 1.03a or Ghoul 2 settings, as they should aleviate some of the pain. However, if Raven does not fix this problem with an official patch, it's going to lose one of its most dedicated players. Yes Ghoul 2 is nice. Ok, so 1.03a was released by a third party, and some servers have adopted it. It's still like putting a Band-Aid on a broken leg. Please Raven, don't doom us humble players to the deep pit of glitch-exploiter filled servers, or subject our minds to the harsh flaming of said players which, without these "tricks" to back them, would just keep to themselves in general. You have heard my plea. Now do something about it. :fett:


Merc out.

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1.03a is the way to go man.


With this, the way to kill backstabbers is to DFA them when they are running around backwards or just hit 'em in the back with push or pull, knock them over and hand them some of there own medicine with a nice backstab/sweep.



They dont decide whether another patch comes out or not, Lucas arts does.


Also, I can DESTROY people who abuse the bugs WITHOUT lowering myself to their level (i.e. fighting normaly) so please , dont judge us all by those who do exploit bugs and so on. Normaly I try and find a server with 1.03a on instead of 1.03, you do that and tell me if you find many assfighters there.

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Yeah, don't get upset with Raven, they fixed most of the problems in 1.03a. Instead you should direct your anger twords LucasArts, since they won't allow Raven release their latest patch....officaly, they have released the source code for it though which is how we know about it and some of us use it now.

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Your right.............



I'm been posting this kind of stuff since the patch came out....


Most where closed or taken off the fourms completely.


Seem's that if you treaten Sale's they pull your post.......


Anyways I'm with ya..



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secretly release the 1.04 patch as the mod community...

give it to JKII.net under the alias of a normal player who made a "mod"... just don't let jkii.net say it's actually a raven rep who gave them the patch...


c'mon guys! get the patch out here! BACKSLASHERS MUST DIE!

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If you are as disgusted as I am at what this game has become, don't hold your breath waiting for another official patch.. if Lucasarts is really responsible for allowing it or not, then it is almost certain it won't.. just look at the version number of the top ten patches list on their web:


Top Ten Updates and Patches!


Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast - JKIIUp5_6.exe *1.03*

Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds - BGUpdate1_1.exe

Outlaws - OutlawsD3DUpdate.exe

Escape from Monkey Island - MonkeyUpdate.exe *1.1*

Star Wars: Force Commander - FocomUpdate1_1.exe

Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine - J3DUpdate1.2.exe

Star Wars: Episode I Racer - RaceMac101.sit.hqx

Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace - tpmupd11.exe

Star Wars: Rogue Squadron - rogueupd12.exe

Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance - xwaupd202.exe

Grim Fandango - gfupd101.exe


These guys either get it right the first time :p , or they just don't want to correct bugs-enhance their games after they release them.. (in case you wonder, I own at least 3 games in that list ^^ that I know for sure that still have bugs after those patches..

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