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Running DSL / LAN, and having trouble hosting an internet JK 2 server? This may help!

Bird Of Prey!

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I thought this may be helpful and save a lot of headaches!


I connect to the net through an ADSL Cisco modem and I have a PC, and Laptop, Networked together. I spent the last 3 days wondering why I had problems hosting an Internet server. I could connect, and find other servers, without difficulty but other players couldn't find my server. I contacted my ADSL, and ISP, technical support departments and they had no advice. I went to the Lucasarts website and contacted them. No one could solve the problem. After a lot of tinkering, I found my own solution:


What happened is that I loaded the game on my main PC, and laptop, and connected through the LAN to play against my wife. I did this before I ever tried to play on the net itself.


So when I tried to connect to the net, the game still thought I was only playing on my LAN. I solved this problem by connecting to the internet and choosing the "Dedicated Server, Internet," option in the "Create Server" menu. I launched a game and I was able to find it, over the net, on my other machine.


Anyone up on their gaming knowledge, knows that you you cannot play the game, using a dedicated server, on the same PC. So I shut down the server and went back to the MP main menu. I opened the "Create Server" menu and turned the "Dedicated Server" option (at the bottom of the menu) to "No."


This fixed my problem, players were now able to find my server in the "Internet" server list.


I know I'm not the only one who's had this problem and it took me 3 days to solve. That's why I posted my solution.

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